Children’s Lammas Ritual


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers the following downloads for parents to celebrate Lammas with their younger children.


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers the following downloads for parents to celebrate Lammas with their younger children.

Lammas is the time of year we celebrate the beginning of the harvest season. We are at the peak of summer and the days are growing shorter. It is the time of year we celebrate the Harvest of the grain. It is a time to be grateful for all we have harvested.

Lammas is a great time to think about protection. Our ancestors could not just go to the store to buy food. They had to grow it themselves and hope they had enough to harvest to take them through the winter. This is a not something children will understand as they live in the modern world, but we understand it as adults and can keep this in mind when we work this ritual of celebration with our children.

In this ritual we will construct a Corn Dolly that can be charmed to protect our home and our health during the winter months. It is something the little ones love to do. They can keep this doll where ever they like for the upcoming year.

This download consists of a 6-page rituals outline, 6-page instructions for making a corn dolly, and a 1-page corn cake recipe for the celebration. All proceeds support the Temple of Witchcraft’s ongoing work.

Temple of Witchcraft