Children’s Mabon Ritual 2023


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers the following downloads for parents to celebrate Mabon with their younger children.


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers the following downloads for parents to celebrate Mabon with their younger children.

This is a beautiful time of year full of amazing colors. The leaves are starting to change and the weather is cooler. Not only are we celebrating the second harvest of the year, it is also the Autumnal Equinox. Once again, day and night are equal, only now the days really start to get shorter and shorter as we make our way towards Yule, the Winter Solstice. This is a perfect time to reflect on all that nature has provided us. It is a time to give thanks and celebrate all our blessings.

I love to do a big feast for this celebration. It is after all, the Pagan Thanksgiving. Have any food you like, it’s your day to celebrate and enjoy. Don’t forget to leave a plate out as an offering to the Goddess and God in thanks and gratitude!

This download consists of a 6-page ritual outline, 2-page instructions for making Mabon incense, and a 1-page recipe for seasonal cinnamon honey butter. All proceeds support the Temple of Witchcraft’s ongoing work.

Temple of Witchcraft