Michael Usher is a High Priest of the Temple of Witchcraft and Capricorn Lead Minister. He has served as a Light Bearer for the Temple of Witchcraft community, continues to volunteer as a mentor to students in the Mystery School, works with the Pisces Ministry offering public sabbat celebrations and is a member of Team [...]
Lead Ministers
Dawn Costorf, HPS

Dawn Marie Costorf is a High Priestess, ordained minister and the Cancer Lead Minister for the Temple of Witchcraft. Dawn has been a witch since 1992 and she is a practiced ritualist and teacher. She is a Pisces Deputy Minister, leading Sabbats and Full Moon rituals for the Temple in NH. She is an accomplished [...]
Jason Gamache, HP

Jason Gamache is the Lead Minister of the Taurus Ministry, with a focus on the development of the sacred sites on the temple property in Salem, New Hampshire. He is a graduate of the Temple’s seminary program and a former Pilgrim of the Sun and Stars. Prior to accepting the lead minister role, Jason worked as a [...]
Amanda “Sellena” Dear, HPS

Sellena is a High Priestess and Ordained minister of the Temple of Witchcraft. She is Aquarius Lead Minister and works with the Sagittarius Ministry as a Teacher and Student Mentor online as well as moderating the Temple’s Runic Stones Study group. She also works with Pisces Ministry facilitating sabbat and ritual events in Jackson, MS. [...]
Scott K. Smith, HP

Scott is a Healer, Writer, Witch, High Priest, and ordained minister in the Temple of Witchcraft. He is lead minister of the Aries Ministry and also works with the Temple’s Sagittarius Ministry. In Los Angeles, Scott runs a healing practice including energy arts (such as reiki), body work, ritual healing, meditation, public ritual, teaching groups [...]
Allison Charron, HPS

Allison Charron is a High Priestess of the Temple of Witchcraft. She serves as lead minister of the Leo Ministry, fostering and celebrating the arts within the Temple community. Allison has always been drawn to embodied spiritual practice: the ability of dance to induce trance states, the crafting and uttering of poetry to evoke the [...]
Christopher Penczak, HP

Christopher Penczak is the co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft religious nonprofit organization and the creator of the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School and Seminary education programs. Developed through his extensive work as an award winning author, ritualist and minister, the educational core of the program comes from his six book and CD set Temple [...]
Steve Kenson, HP

Steve Kenson is a Founder of the Temple of Witchcraft with his partners, Christopher Penczak and Adam Sartwell, holding the Three Rays of Love, Will & Wisdom. Steve is also lead minister of the Gemini Ministry, in charge of the Temple’s communication networks, its Queer Spirit ministry, and the “insubordinate” or questioning aspect of its structure [...]
Adam Sartwell, HP

Adam Sartwell is a co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft and Virgo lead minister, in charge of healing and magickal crafting work. A self-initiated witch since his teens and a Reiki master, Adam is also a graduate of the Temple’s Mystery School and an ordained minister. He is the author of the book 21 Days of [...]
Elsa Elliott, HPS

Elsa Elliott is the Lead Minister of Scorpio, the role of the Guardian. The Scorpio ministry provides support in the areas of death and dying, bereavement, and ancestor honoring. This ministry also works in the area of Sacred Sexuality which is lead by deputy minister Wren. Scorpio ministers offer services including comfort and assistance to the [...]
Matooka Moonbear, HPS

Matooka MoonBear is the Pisces lead minister and an Ordained Minister and High Priestess of the Temple of Witchcraft who has journeyed an Earth-based spiritual path since the late 1980s, from Native American ways to Pagan. In 1989, she opened a seasonal metaphysical shop over her garage and named it MorningStar Loft. It was at that [...]
Deborah Stellhorn, HPS

Debbie Stellhorn is a High Priestess, Ordained Minister of the Temple of Witchcraft. She works as the Libra Ministry’s Lead Minister, as a Deputy in the Sagittarius Ministry, and as the Temple’s Fundraising Coordinator. She is also a board member of the Temple for the 2022-2024 service term. As the Libra Lead Minister, Debbie is [...]