The Ministry of Aries is the work of those on or are called to the path of the Warrior. The Warrior is a diverse concept and we honor and respect that many faces of the calling.
- We continue to seek to offer supporting services of an overall pagan/heathen religion to those who are currently serving in any branch of the United States armed services. Support includes outreach, social correspondence, education and personal/religious resources as dictated by each individual case.
- The Ministry of Aries provides additional training to community and Temple membership in spiritual psychic self-defense. Currently we do not have an education in physical or martial arts, but this is planned in our future as a part of the ministry offerings. Initiate resources are shared with the Initiates Only group on Facebook, please see your Temple of Witchcraft teacher for instructions to join.
- This Ministry of Aries is responsible for providing warding of physical spaces and psychic defense for the organization as a whole.
- Education to the Temple of Witchcraft initiates in the Art of Magickal Protection, Warding and Defense.
To contact the Aries lead minister, please email: [email protected].
Mission Statement
The Ministry of Aries is interested in expanding our ideals about what it is to be a Warrior in the world. Warriors include those in the military and armed forces, and those involved in martial arts, as well as peaceful warriors, eco-warriors, pacifists, activists, witches, healers, occult and psychic workers, and many more who are called to the path.
The Aries statement is “I am,” and challenges us through life to seek, and know, and express that true self into the world. Aries mission as the Warrior is to actualize that identity and offer their skills of discipline, spiritual practice, ways of protection and defense.
Any current or future events with the Aries ministry will be featured on the Temple of Witchcrafts social media, the events page, or in the private initiate only groups.
Please subscribe to the Temple of Witchcraft Facebook page for regular updates.
You can also subscribe and receive updates from the temple through the newsletter.
Protection List
The Ministry of Aries offers a protection list for those seeking magickal/spiritual protection. The protection list is a tool to offer protection in the form of petitions to the Protection Spirits of the Temple of Witchcraft. If you or someone you know needs protection, you may add yourself, or those in need (with their permission) to the list.
Aries Protection Request Form: https://forms.gle/T61Cpq8sfsoF7Pu2A
Mailing List
Aries Ministry is now building a mailing list for Temple of Witchcraft initiates, and the overall Pagan/Heathen community who are, or have, served in the military. If you would like to be updated about future events with the Ministry of Aries, or would like to content with a broader Pagan community, we encourage you to sign up.
Click, submit your feedback, and join our list!
National Veterans Support Services
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Reading List
The following are recommended books on magickal defense concurrent with the Temple Teaching, alphabetical by title.
- Blackthorn’s Protection Magic: A Witch’s Guide to Mental and Physical Self-Defense, by Amy Blackthorn
- By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn: The Theory & Practice of Effective Home Warding, Althea Sebastiani
- Full Contact Magick: A Book of Shadows for the Wiccan Warrior, by Kerr Cuhulain
- Hex Twisting: Countermag ick Spells for the Spiritual Witch, by Diana Rajchel
- Psychic Self Defense, by Dion Fortune
- Protection and Reversal Magick, by Jason Miller
- Protection Charms: Harness you energy force to guard against psychic attack, by Tania Ahsan
- Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection, by Draja Mickaharic
- Spiritual Protection: A Safety Manual for Energy Workers, Healers, and Psychics, by Sofie Reicher
- The Evil Eye: The History, Myster, and Magic of the Quiet Curse, by Antonio Pagliarulo
- The Witches Shield: Protection Magick & Psychic Self-Defense, by Christopher Penczak
- Uncrossing. Identify, Cleanse, and Heal from Hexes, Curses, and Psychic Attacks, by Katrina Rasbold