Ministry News: Samhain 2013

Dates announced for Templefest 2014! August 2&3rd


Protection ritual at office lead by Wren
Crossed some spirits over
Participated in Mabon Ritual
Templefest meeting participation


Began coordination with Scorpio team, Pisces and Gemini ministries to collect the names of Those who have passed since last Samhain and the collection of letters to someone who has passed on from Temple membership. These will be held on Ancestor Altar at the office. The lists of names and letters from prior years will be ritually and reverently burned by the lead minister of Scorpio on the full moon in November.


Ran kitchen and setup for Mabon feast.
Collected nonperishable food donations at Mabon and delivered 37lbs of food to NH Food Bank
Children’s Ministry is preparing for Harvest Celebration


Rama Danu has stepped down as Dean of Students
Hired Stevie Grant to fill Dean of Students position
Witchcraft I, II and III registration open
Scheduled 2014 Sabbat Classes and Dark Moons


Shifting Mystery School to online registration system
Migrating content to new website, including shifting the Temple Bell to a blog format
Journey work and planning for Templefest


Prosperity candle working on Full Moon for the Temple working with ancestor spirits
Poster/flyer design for Samhain Psychic Fair


Established Capricorn Prison Ministry Facebook page.


Attended Western Mass Pagan Pride Day and taught class / helped with store


Choose class dates for Ethics class and Social Justice/Personal Advocacy for 2014


Parking lot under construction

Treasurer’s Report

September 2013
Account Balances reflect the last day of the month.
Account Balances:
Opening Balance: August 31, 2013 $37,473.65
Closing Balance: 42,826.26
Petty Cash $21
Paypal balance: $3,955.98
Certificate of Deposit: $2,511.48
Income from W 1-5, Net: $1,120.12
September events: Dark Moon, Mabon, Full Moon, Protection Ritual. Net $301
Donations in August: $1,250.50

Temple of Witchcraft