Ministerial Profile: Silver Lyons, Cancer lead minister

silver bio picSilver Lyons is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher in both the Usui and Shamballa traditions, ordained minister, Seminary graduate with the Temple of Witchcraft, initiated and ordained High Priestess, and a graduate of the Eye of the Eagle two-year Shamanic Healer Training Program with Leontine Hartzell.

Answering the call of Spirit at a young age, Silver began to cultivate her hereditary psychic skills, meeting her mentor and spiritual mother, Edith Cheitman, who began training her in the tradition of the Wise Woman Ways as well as guiding her in the cultivation of her psychic sight. This led Silver to developing her healing skills, where she trained at DoveStar Institute, a school of alternative healing arts, and was a student of the late Kamala St. Germain. Kamala trained Silver in her Four Forces philosophy, a theory that explains the on-going interactive process of day to day living and the tools for reclaiming the right to personal freedom, applying the keys to embracing inner mastery, then giving her blessings and encouragement to continue her legacy in these teachings before passing away. Silver served as a Certified Alchemia Instructor until the close of DoveStar in 2010. During this time Silver also served as Deputy Minister in the Cancer Ministry of the Temple of Witchcraft, co-facilitating monthly Women’s Mystery Circles for five years.

Silver has studied with Silver RavenWolf and was a member of the Black Forest Clan (BFC), initiating as a First Degree Priestess, receiving a specialized Green Cord for Healing, then becoming an Honorary High Priestess before lovingly parting ways with Black Forest to begin her journey as a Buddhist lay practitioner. Silver has taken Refuge Vows with His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche, studied with Lama Surya Das in the Dzogchen tradition (the “Natural Great Perfection”), and is currently a student of Lama Willa Miller in the Natural Dharma Fellowship (NDF).

Silver has been a Temple community member and serving in leadership since its inception. Starting the Shawl Ministry allowed her to nourish her creative skills of knitting and crocheting (while also being surrounded by bountiful yarn!) and offering support and comfort through the Mother ministry. Silver is lovingly and humorously known as a blend between Hermione Granger and Professor McGonagall, able to walk the line of the sacred and profane. She is passionate about sharing the teachings of Women’s Mysteries, facilitating the journey of re-birthing into Spirit, and aligning herself with her practice of the Witch’s Dharma. As Cancer lead minister, Silver intends to support and nourish the growth of community through the beauty of the Divine Mother.

Silver maintains a professional website at and can be reached for Temple business at [email protected].

Temple of Witchcraft