Elizabeth (they/them) is a High Priestex and ordained minister for the Temple of Witchcraft. Working predominantly with Pisces and Aquarius ministries, they co-facilitate the Sabbath rituals in New Hampshire, run full moon and other rituals as needed, and serve as one of the main coordinators for TempleFest. As a multi-generational witch who grew up very [...]
Michael Cantone, HP

Michael is a High Priest of the Temple of Witchcraft. Michael is also a third degree black belt in Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin and Hawaiian Kempo Method of karate. Besides a professional career in business, Michael maintains an active solitary witchcraft practice and an active public practice with the Temple. Michael has been with the Temple [...]
Elsa Elliott, HPS

Elsa Elliott is the Lead Minister of Scorpio, the role of the Guardian. The Scorpio ministry provides support in the areas of death and dying, bereavement, and ancestor honoring. This ministry also works in the area of Sacred Sexuality which is lead by deputy minister Wren. Scorpio ministers offer services including comfort and assistance to the [...]
Nicole D., HPS

Nicole D. is a 2003 graduate of the Mystery School and a member of the Temple community since its inception. Raised in a fairly progressive household, Nicole began her spiritual shift away from the Catholicism of her youth in her early 20s, starting with a correspondence course in Wicca. (This was in the infancy of [...]
Krista Carmichael, HPS

Krista is available for services that require a vocalist. Mirroring inclusiveness found in pluralism, Krista’s approach allows an affirming space for a multitude of beliefs. Krista’s ministerial experience is shared over various faith traditions: as high priestess in Pagan ritual, as youth director (grades 9-12) for a Unitarian Universalist church and interim music minister in [...]