The Temple is pleased to announce open registrations for the first three levels of the Temple’s Mystery School with High Priestess Cat Kelly at Heart, Body, and Soul in Columbia, Missouri. The Witchcraft I through III class details are: W1 Year-long in-person (Columbia, MO) apprenticeship. Class dates are 10/9, 11/13, 12/11, 1/8, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, [...]
Cat Kelly, HPS

Cat Kelly is a High Priestess and Ordained Minister in the Temple of Witchcraft, in addition to being co-owner of Heart, Body & Soul, a metaphysical store and center for conscious living located in Columbia, MO. (For more information about HBS and other upcoming classes & offerings there, you can visit their website: A life-long [...]
Rachael Mueller, HPS

Rachael Mueller is a witch, occultist, shaman and teacher. Her graduate work was in Religious Studies and Philosophy and has a passion for the vocation of a Witch and community. She began ministry work over 20 years ago and has been an ardent student of spirituality and religions since childhood. She has studied with [...]