Maine Sabbats on Sabbatical

In Witchcraft, we recognize that things go in cycles, waxing and withering, fertile or lying fallow for a time. One such thing is the Temple’s offering Wheel of the Year sabbats in Portland, Maine. After doing so for some time, High Priestess Silver Lyons and High Priest Casey O’Brien need to turn their attention elsewhere. This means the Maine sabbats will be put on hold (“sabbatical” as it were) beginning with this month. The scheduled Mabon and Samhain dates in Maine are cancelled and, should the Temple begin offering sabbats and other events in Maine again, we’ll announce them via our website and social media. We would like to thank Silver, Casey, and all of the Temple volunteers and members of the Maine community for their work and support in helping to turn the Wheel, and we hope to see many of you at our regular New Hampshire sabbats and upcoming events!

Temple of Witchcraft