Nine Tuesdays, online via Zoom and recording, 7–10 pm • 2022: April 19, May 17, June 28, July 19, Aug 16, Sept 20, Oct 18, Nov 15, and Dec 13
Seek the Divine Mother, Father and Child as an expression of power, and go beyond form to the Divine Providence of the Dryghten. Work with the forms of Yantra, of Mandala, of sacred space. Immerse yourself in the Council of Kings and Queens. Seek the mystery of the Fisher King, the hook and the elusive Salmon of Wisdom. Harken to the Age of Atlantis, and be reborn in the King Rite through the streams of involution and the consciousness dreaming with the stones. Experience the Hiero Gamos, the Sacred Marriage of the Land. Renew the Contract with the Land.
Required: Three Rays of Witchcraft III, Merkaba III, Red Ray II.