Would you like to receive distance healing as a supplement to your other healing treatment and modalities? The Healing Case Study Group of the Temple of Witchcraft is looking for volunteer subjects who have a physical condition or disease to receive this distance healing from its members. For one month, you can bask in the healing light sent to you by the group in exchange for keeping in touch with us via email during the month. For further information, please send a one-sentence description of your ailments to [email protected].
The theme of this year’s Boston Pride Parade is “Rainbow Resistance” and the call to stand up for equality, fairness, and justice in the face of prejudice and intolerance is more needed now than ever.
Of course, as Witches and magicians, we have additional tools when it comes to our resistance, as the #MagickResistance hashtag on social media demonstrates. So the Temple’s marching group is making these cards available along the parade route, and the Temple’s Gemini ministry is sharing this image here and on social media for those elsewhere who would like to support our effort.

Work your magick, whether alone or with allies, in whatever manner you see fit. Call upon your divinities, spirits, and ancestors to support you, and then act in accord in everyday life to help bring about the changes that are needed. As it has been written…so mote it be!

The Temple’s Gemini ministry invites all interested marchers to join us on Saturday, June 9th to march in the 48th annual Boston Pride Parade! The theme of this year’s parade is “Rainbow Resistance” and the Temple will be marching to show our support for equality, queer rights, the notion that every being is divine, and that “all acts of love and pleasure” are our rituals.
Please see our Facebook event for details and updates. We will post our line-up time and location along Boylston Street in Boston as soon as we receive it from the Pride committee, usually a day or two before the march, asking marchers to meet us there ready to go! If you’re looking for us the day of the march, head down Boylston Street and look for our banner.
If you have questions or would like to confirm your intention to join us at the Pride march, please email [email protected].
A safe, blessed, and joyous Pride month to all!
The Temple is pleased to announce open registrations for the first three levels of the Temple’s Mystery School with High Priestess Cat Kelly at Heart, Body, and Soul in Columbia, Missouri. The Witchcraft I through III class details are:
W1 Year-long in-person (Columbia, MO) apprenticeship. Class dates are 10/9, 11/13, 12/11, 1/8, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10, and 10/8/19. Course fee: $350. Classes are from 6:30–8:30 pm.
W2 Year-long in-person (Columbia, MO) apprenticeship. Class dates are 11/1, 12/6, 1/3, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2, 6/6, 7/4, 8/1, 9/5, 10/3, and 11/7/19. Course fee: $360. Classes are from 6:00–8:00 pm.
W3 Year-long in-person (Columbia, MO) apprenticeship. Class dates are 12/4, 1/8, 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, 5/7, 6/4, 7/2, 8/6, 9/3, 10/1, 11/5, and 12/3/2019. Course fee: $375. Classes are from 6:30–8:30 pm.
To register email [email protected]. See the Temple Mystery School pages for class details.
High Priestess Valerie Schuster will be offering in-person Witchcraft I and Witchcraft II classes with the Temple Mystery School in Colorado (Denver and Colorado Springs). Please contact her directly to inquire or to register.
Witchcraft I year-long in-person (Denver, CO) apprenticeship at Goddess Isis Books. Class dates are 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10, 1/14, 2/11, 3/11, 4/8 and 5/13. Course fee: $360. Classes are from 6:30–8:30 pm. To register email [email protected].
Witchcraft I year-long in-person (Colorado Springs, CO) apprenticeship at Celebrations. Class dates are 6/24, 7/29, 8/26, 9/30, 10/28, 11/25, 12/30, 1/27, 2/24, 3/31, 4/28 and 5/26. Course fee: $360. Classes are from 1:30–3:30 pm. To register email [email protected].
Witchcraft II year-long in-person (Colorado Springs, CO) apprenticeship at Celebrations. Class dates are 6/24, 7/29, 8/26, 9/30, 10/28, 11/25, 12/30, 1/27, 2/24, 3/31, 4/28 and 5/26. Course fee: $360. Classes are from 4:00–6:00 pm. To register email [email protected].
As a fundraiser, the Temple Store is offering new Temple logo messenger bags!

These high-quality bags are made of black polyester, 15.75 inches wide, 12.2 inches tall (large enough to fit a 15-inch laptop), with a padded carrying compartment, and have snap buckle closures, an outside zipper flap, carrying handle and shoulder strap, as well as pass-through loops for easy carrying with roller-board luggage.
Cost is $65 plus shipping. If you are local to Temple events in New Hampshire, you can pick up your order directly from the Temple store at no cost. All other orders, choose the “Ship to U.S. address” option from the drop-down menu. Please note, we are shipping to continental U.S. addresses only. Sorry, but we are unable to offer international shipping of this item.
If you have questions or would like to know more, please inquire with the Temple store at [email protected].
The Temple is pleased to announce that online registration for this year’s TempleFest is now open!

Day Passes! In addition to all of the on-site, all weekend options from last year, we are offering a limited number of “day passes” for the event. To access these, input a special registration code that consists of “TF” plus the first three letters of the day, so TFFRI, TFSAT, and TFSUN, for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday day-passes. Note that Saturday is our “family fun day” specifically aimed at families with children who might like to attend the festival for the day.
Lodging: Please note that the TempleFest lodging coordinator will work with you to get you assigned to the lodging of your choice on-site, but that it may take some time to get a response. If you have special accommodation needs, please list them on your registration under “Lodging Preferences.” Your patience with our all-volunteer staff is appreciated.
Event Submissions & Vendor Applications are closed for this year’s event. Please, no inquiries regarding submitting an event or vending at TempleFest 2018. If you have been accepted as a presenter or vendor, you will receive email instructions about registering to ensure your particular needs are taken care of. Please follow those instructions rather than the general registration.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at TempleFest in August!
The Temple, in cooperation with Moth & Moon Studio, is pleased to offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study with a renowned elder and scholar: Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki!
Dolores will be offering her “Village Craft” Witchcraft teachings for the very first time here with us in New Hampshire: Friday evening, all-day Saturday and Sunday, and a Saturday evening ritual. Visit the event page for much more, including an outline of planned topics and details about our guest teacher.
The Temple of Witchcraft appreciates and supports the network of Pagan, New Age, and Witchcraft shops that serve as meeting and entry points for our community. Please support your local retailers, and let them know you appreciate them, too!
If you’re looking to do some seasonal shopping, we can help, and offer you the opportunity to support the Temple at the same time!
Zazzle Store
The Temple, in conjunction with our Leo and Gemini Ministries, is pleased to offer our Zazzle online store, with shirts, altar cloths, and other items featuring Temple sigils and related artwork. Now you can order from your computer and mobile device and have items shipped to you directly! All profits from the online store go directly to support the Temple and its work.
Just click on the link above or go to “Shop” on the main menu bar of the website and choose “Zazzle Store”. If there is an item or style of item you would particularly like to see offered in the Zazzle store, feel free to email us at [email protected] and let us know!
Square Market
While the Temple Store run by our Virgo Ministry has been a fixture of our sabbat events since the Temple started, it also offers select items for sale online, shipped by mail-order direct to you! We’ve recently added a number of new products to the online store, of interest to both Temple students and non-members.
Just click on the Temple Store Square Market link here or go to the main menu bar of our website and choose “Square Market” from the “Shop” menu.
Please be aware that, as with our events, our Temple Store is staffed and run by volunteers, so please be patient with us as we work out the details of getting items packaged and shipped to you as efficiently as possible.
Amazon Smile
Third, the Temple of Witchcraft participates in the Amazon Smile program, which donates a percentage of your purchases on Amazon.com to a charity of your choice, including the Temple! Just click on the link above or go to smile.amazon.com and choose “Temple of Witchcraft” as your charity for donation. Then just make sure to start your shopping from the smile.amazon.com page so your purchases are recorded as supporting the Temple!
Our thanks to the whole of the Temple’s extended community for your support and blessings of the Yuletide season to all!

The Temple of Witchcraft’s annual Samhain Psychic Fair and Marketplace will be held on Saturday, October 28th, from noon until 7:00 pm, featuring psychic and intuitive readers available by appointment, along with local vendors and artisans and the Temple Store.
Two special afternoon workshops are being offered as fundraisers for the Temple’s barn renovation fund:
- The Wisdom of the Crystal Skulls with Christopher Penczak
- Erishkigal, Persephone, and Hel: Three Queens of the Afterlife and Underworld with Christopher Giroux
Click on the links for more information or to register, as space is limited and registration is first-come, first reserved!
At 9:00 pm, after our fair, will be our Samhain ritual. Online registration is strongly encouraged, as this is usually our most-attended event of the year!
Blessings of the ancestors and the Samhain season to all!