Cancer Lead Minister Position Available

Lead Minister Application Process

Applications are due no later than May 31, 2024. Thank you for your interest in Temple leadership.

The Ministerial Church of the Temple of Witchcraft is divided into twelve major areas of service. Each is based upon one of the twelve zodiac signs and its archetype as taught in the Seminary school. Each of the twelve ministries is further subdivided into three areas. The first is a public area of service to the greater community. The second consists of work primarily for the Temple and its members. The third is the mystical service provided to the community, often unseen and unheard, but vitally important nonetheless.

Please review the job description for the ministry you are interested in, included below. You may also wish to review the current mission statement for the ministry of which you are applying to be lead minister. There are versions of these on the Temple website under the Structure tab and then linked for each ministry, on pages 10–12 and again on pages 38–42 of the Temple Handbook and in the book Foundations of the Temple by Christopher Penczak.

Please provide your application in writing and include information that covers the following areas and questions:

  • Details of your experience and skills as they fit the job description. Please include administrative and managerial skills as well as your spiritual experience.
  • Description of any prior experience with the particular ministry.
  • What motivates you to apply to leadership? What motivates you to apply to this particular ministry?
  • What are your plans and vision for how you wish to work with this ministry? What does the first 6 months look like if you are chosen for this position?
  • How do you see the three areas outlined above, and in the job description below, for this ministry?
  • Anything else you wish to tell us about yourself or your interest in this position.
  • Please also address the description of experience, qualifications and responsibilities described in the Lead Minister job description for which you are applying.

If you have questions about this process, please email [email protected]. Interested applicants, please email your application to [email protected] prior to the deadline. Thank you!

Cancer Lead Minister Job Description

The Ministry of Cancer, The Mother,  is the work of care-taking, providing nurturing and the support of the home. It shall include:

  • Organizing and administering social services such as food drives, housing and other social services.
  • Providing religious education and public rituals appropriate for the children of the community. Education in childbirth, including natural and traditional alternatives, as well as support for pregnant families is included in this work.
  • This ministry is responsible for maintaining a strong spiritual link between the Temple and the Goddess through public and private ritual. Included in this work will be rituals, rites and training in Women’s Mysteries.

Major Responsibilities

  • The Cancer Lead Minister can appoint and oversee up to three deputy ministers who can be  an integral part of the ministry.  There are currently two deputies involved with the ministry. One oversees the Children’s Ministry and the other oversees Social Services such as donations at Sabbats and logistics around food at the in person Sabbats in New Hampshire. 
  • The Cancer Lead Minister should have the capabilities to lead, facilitate or appoint deputies to lead the following: 
    • Organizing and administering social services such as food drives, housing and other social services.
    • Providing religious education and public rituals appropriate for the children of the community. Education in childbirth, including natural and traditional alternatives, as well as support for pregnant families is included in this work.
    •  This ministry is responsible for maintaining a strong spiritual link between the Temple and the Goddess through public and private ritual. Included in this work will be rituals, rites and training in Women’s Mysteries.
  • Exhibit commitment to connect with spiritual beings and maintain servitors and other spiritual practices on a regular basis.
  • As the Temple grows, transition to a position akin to a National Director, overseeing, guiding, and supporting Temple ministers authorized to work with administering social services, providing activities for children’s ministry, and work in the Women’s mysteries.
  • Connect with the greater community, with a cooperative, collaborative, and community approach.
  • Engage others in a supportive and collaborative manner. 
  • Prepare and submit a monthly ministerial report to the leadership council.
  • Prepare and present annual reports (year-end and next year projection) to the Board of Directors for the July Board of Directors meeting.
  • Engage the Temple community during the solar month of Cancer as a means to promote and teach about the ministry.  
  • Lead Ministers are expected to attend the Temple’s annual ministerial retreat, either in person, via video conferencing, or by having a deputy attend as their proxy.

Experience and Qualifications

  • All applicants should be Ministerial Members (Witchcraft V graduates) in good standing, and ideally ordained, though ordination is not a requirement. 
  • Experience in leading Temple of Witchcraft groups, classes, or events.
  • Familiarity with the foundations of the Temple of Witchcraft’s mythos.
  • Track record of collaborating and partnering with stakeholders within the Temple of Witchcraft. 
  • Fluency with the Google Workspace suite of productivity tools; Google Docs, Sheets, Groups, and e-mail.
  • Commitment to timely response to email and other communication with Temple leadership and membership.
  • History of continued education in Temple of Witchcraft classes in the esoteric and in business and soft skills.

Key Competencies 

  • Excellent interpersonal skills and experience working across Temple ministries and the greater Community.
  • Ability to provide monthly reporting of activities of the Cancer ministry to the leadership council.
  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both in person and in writing.
  • Proficiency in identifying and solving problems while thinking outside of the box.
  • Feeding of the Witch soul through continued reading of books and other Witchcraft sources.
  • Commitment to a regular Witchcraft practice in adherence to the Temple of Witchcraft standards.

While this is an unpaid volunteer position, Temple policy is to pay up to 70% of net fees for public rituals, classes, and events to the ritualist(s) or teacher(s) of the events and the Cancer Lead Minister is entitled to accept such payment for any rituals, classes or events that they lead.

Temple of Witchcraft