Welcome Scott K. Smith as Aries Lead Minister

It is our pleasure to announce that Scott K. Smith has been confirmed as the new Aries Lead Minister for the Temple of Witchcraft. Scott has been a very active Temple teacher and leader in the Los Angeles area, as well as incredibly involved in online and distant communities. Through his teaching and art, he is outspoken and faces the challenges of our modern world with compassion and boldness. We look forward to his plans for the ministry and his work of protection and guidance in the community. For more information on Scott and his work, see his profile.

The Temple board of directors, council, and community give deep thanks to High Priest Michael Cantone, Aries Lead Minister since the founding of the Temple and someone who has served on the Board of Directors himself. Michael has been a stellar example of community leadership and cooperation and the Temple would not be where it is without his great work.

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Temple of Witchcraft