Temple Astrolog: Look Out for Important Relationships

Now is a good time to keep your eyes open for important relationships. Juno (relationships, bonds) is in the sign of Cancer (relationships, emotions) and is joining the north node (destiny, direction) in the sign of Cancer. This could mean new people are showing up in your life and that important bonds are being created.

Some of them may just be passing through, but they can also last a long time. It can also be a sign of deepening in already existing relationships, that the “destiny” and one of the important reasons for the relationship on a higher plane is revealed. In either case, it is good to keep an open mind to not miss out on connections and growing opportunities. Unfortunately, it does not come with a guarantee that the relationship will be all sunshine and no trouble, it rather signals the importance of the relationship itself. But because it is all happening in the sign of Cancer, chances are that it will be an overall pleasant experience and that the ones you meet will give you a sense of “home”.

If you are on the verge of changing jobs, moving to a new location or taking a long trip, listen carefully to your instincts and then take a leap of faith. Don’t let old fears (Juno in opposition to south node, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn) hold you back. Trust yourself and that you have the wisdom of past experiences with you, but don’t project old wounds on a new relationship. This is easier said than done, but you can do it and you are assisted by Juno in a sextile to the lovely Venus in her home sign Taurus, which brings grounding and a lot of common sense.

This energy pattern can also bee seen in relationships to the world of Spirit, plants and spiritual work. Look out for new alliances with plants and medicine animals and guides. There could be a strong ally waiting for you just around the corner. Keep your heart open and bring your wisdom from the past with you. In Spirit work as in normal life we should always use discernment but, once again, this is a lovely time for making new alliances. Communication is also strong and heightened now with both the Sun and Mercury in the sign of Gemini, Mercury’s home sign.

This transit with Juno and the north node lasts until the middle of June.


Karin Ugander is a spiritual channeler living in the south of Sweden. In Scandinavia she is known for the AstroNumerology and Psychic readings she’s been doing for over 20 years. Together with her husband Niklas, she runs KaniSkolan, a school of astrology, numerology, tarot, StarCode Healing, and natural medicine. They are also the founders of Alven Inner Ring tradition, a Scandinavian mystery school with roots in shamanism and magick. Karin loves to create magickal oils, flower essences and sigils she combines in her “Karin Victoria” sigil candles and flower sprays. In her spare time she likes to travel, walk in the forest with her dog, and spend time by the ocean. Karin is a high priestess and graduate of the Temple of Witchcraft’s seminary program.

You can find Karin Ugander at Instagram @flowerpowerwitch and @karinuganderofficial

Suggested Reading

  • The Plant Spirit Familiar, Christopher Penczak
  • The Three “Only” Things, Robert Moss
  • Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small, Ted Andrews
Temple of Witchcraft