Shell Kyle, HPS

Shell is a High Priestess and Ordained Minister of the Temple of Witchcraft. Her favorite type of magick is kitchen witchery but she considers herself eclectic, as she loves to learn and try new things. Shell is an active participant in her coven and enjoys hosting and occasionally leading esbats and sabbats. She calls her coven-mates her “guinea pigs” as she enjoys trying new magickal recipes out on them.

As a High Priestess she offers handfastings, Wiccanings, funerals, pastoral counseling & celebration of life ceremonies. She has 4+ years experience working with the Sagittarius Ministry as a mentor for the Temple of Witchcraft online classes, and as a Witchcraft I & II Teaching Assistant for the in-person classes in St. Louis, Missouri, taught by High Priestess Rachael Mueller. She is currently working with High Priestess Cat Kelly in Columbia, Missouri as a mentor and teaching assistant for Witchcraft V. Shell is planning on teaching classes in 2022, offered thru Pathways Jewelry and Books in St. Louis, MO.

As a Walker Between the Worlds, Shell offers readings using the Runes of the Elder Futhark. Each June she volunteers at the Temple of Witchcraft booth at the St. Louis Pagan Picnic, promoting the Temple Mystery School.

Please contact her at [email protected]

Temple of Witchcraft