The work of the Ministry of Scorpio encompasses the areas of death, dying, grief and bereavement; sacred sexuality; and ancestor veneration and spirit communication. The ministry includes:
- Death, Dying, Grief and Bereavement: We endeavor to uphold a ministry of hope and caring so that no member, or family member, of the Temple of Witchcraft will be alone or in need during a time of crisis regarding terminal illness or death. We provide spiritual support, pastoral counseling and ritual practices for those making the transition between this world and the next, and for loved ones left behind after this transition.
- Sacred Sexuality: Education and training in sacred sexuality in the traditions of witchcraft.
- Ancestor Veneration and Spirit Communication for the Temple: We are responsible for maintaining contact with the spirit world on behalf of the Temple, particularly communion with and veneration of the ancestors.
To contact the Scorpio Minister, please e-mail [email protected].
Expanded Mission Statement
The Ministry of Scorpio encompasses the areas of death, dying, grief and bereavement; sacred sexuality; and ancestor veneration and spirit communication. The ministry includes:
Death, Dying, Grief and Bereavement: We endeavor to uphold a ministry of hope and caring so that no member, or family member, of the Temple of Witchcraft will be alone or in need during a time of crisis regarding terminal illness or death. We provide spiritual support, pastoral counseling and ritual practices for those making the transition between this world and the next, and for loved ones left behind after this transition.
We establish and maintain network of trained priest/ess who are willing to:
Visit the terminally ill at home, in the hospital or in hospice,
- Support friends and family involved in care giving of those same persons,
- Support those preparing for death and, when and where necessary, act as psychopomp for the departed soul,
- In times of sudden, unexpected or violent death, offer support, comfort and the necessary or requested aid to the grieving family,
- Offer comfort to the bereaved,
- Offer teaching and training to the priest/ess of the Temple regarding, developing positive attitudes towards the issues, both personal and societal, of death and dying,
- Work to establish a culture in which death is recognized as an organic part of life; there are no societal obstacles in the natural expression of grief; people who have suffered the death of a loved one are embraced by a safe and caring community that they can rely upon to help them cope with the grieving process.
Sacred Sexuality: Education and training in sacred sexuality in the traditions of witchcraft.
We establish and maintain network of trained priest/ess who are willing to:
- Offer openminded support to those seeking and exploring their relationships with the divine through sacred sexuality,
- Offer teaching and training to the priest/ess of the Temple regarding the creation of and development of positive attitudes towards issues, personal and societal, surrounding the sacredness and life affirming potential of sexuality.
Ancestor Veneration and Spirit Communication for the Temple: We are responsible for maintaining contact with the spirit world on behalf of the Temple, particularly communion with and veneration of the ancestors. We maintain an In Memoriam “virtual altar” page on this site for community members who have joined the ancestors.
We establish and maintain network of trained priest/ess who are willing to:
- Assist with the maintenanceof an altar of blood and spirit ancestors, which acknowledges and honors the diverse traditions represented by the Temple membership.
- Provide an ancestor altar at Temple rituals requiring one.
- Gather the names of those who have died each year at Samhain from the Temple Community to be held on the Temple Ancestor Altar for the year.
- Provide education about ancestor honoring and communication
Crossing Over & Bereavement Services
The Scorpio Ministry at the Temple provide assistance for the dying and those left behind after a death. For the dying, we offer crossing over support either in person or over distance, and bedside guidance if desired. At the bedside, anointing of the body with a special crossing over salve is offered with a blessing.
For those left behind, we provide guidance on how to support those dying through the use of altars and rituals. We also provide an ear to those who wish to talk about their experience. In most cases, the bereaved are contacted 2 or 3 times during the initial weeks after the death. Most are able to cope with a relatively small amount of effort from the ministers. These techniques are covered in items 1 to 6 for most cases. In rare cases, the death triggers deeper issues. If this is the case, then the care needs to shift to a referral to a clinical counselor or to paid sessions with a minister who provides spiritual counseling or another modality.
The Scorpio Ministry provides support to those in grief through:
- email,
- phone calls,
- guidance on ritual practices for those who have passed that also support those still present on this side of the veil,
- bereavement circles,
- other rituals,
- meeting for coffee or meals,
- in depth meetings for support (which are referred to a clinical counselor or to spiritual counseling sessions which are fee based.)
The Temple also provides assistance in building an ongoing relationship with your ancestors through ritual and altar suggestions and classes.
In related Scorpio ministry work, the community works to hold space for those grieving and helps create a culture “in which death is recognized as an organic part of life; there are no societal obstacles in the natural expression of grief; people who have suffered the death of a loved one are embraced by a safe and caring community that they can rely upon to help them cope with the grieving process.”
Ancestral Shrine: Click the link for a PDF of the Temple’s ancestral shrine ritual to honor the recently departed.
Ministry Resources
You can also download this complete resource list as a printable PDF file.
Your End of Life Care: Plan for it!
Know your rights about your rites!
Pastoral Care and Providing Companionship to the Dying
What do you want done with your body?
Resources for Grief & Bereavement