Raven Grimassi was an exceptional teacher and scholar within the Pagan community. The author of twenty books, he began writing on Witchcraft in 1979 and published continuously for the next 45 years on Italian Witchcraft. He founded his own system of practice in 1980, the Aridian Tradition.
Grimassi had a central objective to his writing: “to preserve the Old Ways.” He saw himself as a “tender of the roots of tradition.” He was an educator on the “old ways” of pre-Christian European religion, not only writing extensively but appearing for interviews in television and radio. He traveled extensively to teach and appear at festivals and conferences across the country.
In an interview with Wiccan/Pagan Times, Grimassi remarked, “My books are about the spiritual roots that nourish us. My basic theme is that we are the spiritual descendants of those who cleared the road before us, the well-worn Path. It is up to us to extend the Path further now, and to leave the continuing legacy to yet another generation. I advocate seeking a balance, embracing the traditional teachings left in the wisdom of our ancestors while at the same time looking inward for discernment and relativity.”
Grimassi was deeply committed to education and teaching. He co-founded the Ash, Birch and Willow Tradition (ABW) whose purpose is “to aid the training of practitioners and clergy in the religious and spiritual traditions of Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, Heathenism and other Earth based traditions.”
Matooka Moonbear is a self-identified witch and has journeyed the craft and other Earth based spiritual practices for over 30 years. She is a mystery school graduate, ordained minister with the Temple of Witchcraft and the Lead Minister for Pisces ministry. Matooka is an accomplished Priestess in Feminine Mysteries creating ritual, rites of passage and Shamanic initiation. She is the creator for Hoops of Life Divination a reading system for guidance. She has completed Priestess Path with Alisa Starkweather; and is an initiated High Priestess with Sisters of the Burning Branch. Matooka is also a Reiki Master Teacher and has a background in Kriya Massage.
Today, Matooka continues to practice her vocation as a witch in the Temple of Witchcraft through teaching Mystery School, and Pisces leadership as well as offering workshops, ritual, sessions, and consultations H.O.L.D. readings in her private practice.