The Morrigan – Transformation Through Rathcroghan, The Cave of Cats


In this session of the Healing Deities Series, join Renee Bedard to learn about the Irish Goddess the Morrigan and how to work with her in your practice.


The Morrigan is the Irish Goddess of Sovereignty, war, prophecy, fate, and magick. Also known as The Great Queen, she will not impose or demand an agenda on her Charges or those who seek her out. Instead, she encourages them to discover what their own spirit yearns for and will help prepare them for what is to come. The Morrigan understands that we must claim our own voice and sovereignty, because without it, we will not be able to work our true Will in the world.

In this session of the Healing Deities Series, join Renee Bedard to learn about the Irish Goddess and how to work with her in your practice. During the second half of the class, call upon The Morrigan and journey to her cave, Rathcroghan, The Cave of Cats. Once there, descend into its depths and initiate transformation as you release what does not serve, and ascend anew to walk upon your true personal path.

Temple of Witchcraft