Goddess Circle: The War Goddess


Join Cancer Lead Minister Dawn Marie Costorf in this series of Goddess Circles where we explore the myths and makings of Her aspects in history and in ritual.

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In many myths across the world we have varied stories of the Goddess depicted as a Mother, or as a Maiden or as a Wise One guiding us on our path. There is one aspect that seems to weave through all of these: The Warrior. She is the Goddess who inspires us to fight, who screams terror and fear across the battlefield, destroying her enemies. She defends the downtrodden and motivates us to seek justice. She is passionate and she inspires the courage within to rise and claim our power. She has many names and is well known as An Morrigan, Athena, Freya, Durga, even Aphrodite Areia. Why a War Goddess? Let’s find out!

Join Cancer Lead Minister Dawn Marie Costorf in the first of a series of Goddess Circles where we explore the myths and makings of Her aspects in history and in ritual – connecting to the Goddess and manifesting inspiration and action in ourselves and in our modern world.

Temple of Witchcraft