by Karin Ugander The Sky is loaded with intensity, and I believe that we will all need to stop and breath occasionally in the upcoming weeks. These strong aspects will influence us both on a personal and collective plane. “December will be a month to remember!” Right now, we have the planet Venus (love, romance) in the sign of Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn takes love and relationships quite seriously. Stability and safety are important, and it is Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Once you have figured out a regular practice after some milestone in training — completing a degree, system, or course by drawing upon the components from that training — the challenge can be how to also acknowledge any previous training. How do you work different systems together? Can you? Should you? The answer is up to you. The success or failure of such work—as well as its complexity—depends on the Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle “Do this five minutes a day, and you will be free from cancer.” “Perform 108 repetitions daily, and you will never have heart disease.” “Recite this mantra daily to be in tune with the universal powers.” “Repeat this stretch twenty-one times daily to keep your spine flexible.” These were instructions I received from one of my yoga instructors, passing on wisdom from their instructor. Did you know I almost became Read More...
by Karin Ugander Revolution is in the Air at the moment, new ideas are being born and perhaps there are many tings that you want to accomplish. At the same time these new waves of energy are being blocked causing disturbance, frustration and irritation. But all hope is not lost. With some clever navigation and a portion of patience what first seems to be a bad thing, might even turn out to be a blessing. Let´s take Read More...
by Gregory LaValle A friend of mine's wife died recently. He came to me with the request that I perform some kind of funerary rite for her. She was a Pagan, and he wanted to honor her with a Pagan ceremony. I am in prison, and so this was a much more complicated request than most (all?) of you realize. I have half a dozen or so fellow Pagans here. We have Wiccans, Ásatruars, Egyptian, and vanilla Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that,” says both the new seeker and the more experienced Witch who thinks they have it all figured out. Good! It’s Witchcraft. It’s not supposed to be comfortable all the time. That doesn’t mean you have to do anything you do not want to do, nor accept any form of abuse, but beyond that, if all the choices were easy, all the concepts instantly Read More...
Shell is a High Priestess and Ordained Minister of the Temple of Witchcraft. Her favorite type of magick is kitchen witchery but she considers herself eclectic, as she loves to learn and try new things. Shell is an active participant in her coven and enjoys hosting and occasionally leading esbats and sabbats. She calls her coven-mates her "guinea pigs" as she enjoys trying new magickal recipes out on them. As a High Priestess she offers handfastings, Wiccanings Read More...
by Karin Ugander For many the month of October have been very special and it is not over yet. The month began with 6 planets in retrograde and it ends with 4 planets going direct again. This means a lot of energy moving forward and searching for a release. That can feel liberating, but it may be wise to not be too hasty but rather wait a moment and read the map before jumping straight into the Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle When you enter into relationship with a magickal group, you participate in the group consciousness. Sometimes this is as simple as a temporary or loosely formed group mind where people of like mind share a structure and develop it together. It is mostly in the mental level and at times can exert an unconscious influence. Worst-case scenarios include devolving into a mob mentality. It’s why a group can descend into Read More...
by Karin Ugander If you are feeling frustrated, struggling with communication and wondering where you are going, you are not alone. Right now we have an interesting combination of energies pushing us ahead mixed with other energies blocking our way. Who does not become frustrated by that? So let´s take a look and see if we can find some ideas on how to navigate with help from the stars. We are now in the last Mercury retrograde Read More...