The Temple of Witchcraft offers:
Spirit, Community, Education
in Salem, NH and online.

Co-founded by Christopher Penczak, Steve Kenson, and Adam Sartwell, the Temple of Witchcraft started in 1998 as a system of magickal training and personal development, and eventually developed into a formal tradition of Witchcraft.

Now, as an outgrowth of the work of students, initiates, and graduates of the programs, the Temple of Witchcraft has evolved into an organization based on traditions of modern magick, Witchcraft, and neopaganism.

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Temple Astrolog: The End of an Era

by Karin Ugander Have you been tired lately? Had strong and vivid dreams? Has the line between dreaming and wakefulness blurred from time to time? Do you feel a strong desire to assist people and the world around you, but are unsure of how to help in the best way? Don't worry, you are not alone. Let's take a walk together with the stars and see what we can learn. On the 12th of April, Jupiter (expansion) Read More...

Covens and Congregations

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle At the end of my current year in our online class, we had an interesting short discussion about religious institutions, fundraising, and essentially, proselytizing. Most of us come from a religious background where there is the wholehearted belief that their way is the “right way” and for many, helping others come to the right way is a moral duty. I have heard from some true believers that proselytizing is the Read More...

Bad Advice

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle We have had a backlash against some metaphysical self-help paradigms that have swung too far in one direction, calling out things under the terminology of toxic positivity or spiritual bypassing, but I think we haven’t yet found an equilibrium rooted in wisdom. As I scroll through this next generation of self-help memes and tweets, I feel we are moving in almost the opposite direction, that societally we are in an Read More...

Witchcraft I–III classes in Los Angeles

The Temple's Sagittarius Ministry is pleased to announce registration is open for level I through III Mystery School classes in-person in Northest Los Angeles, California, with High Priest Scott K. Smith. Interested students should visit the Witchcraft I, Witchcraft II, or Witchcraft III pages for class details and links to online applications Read More...

How to Build a Healing Stone Circle Workshop

  With Special Guest Teachers: Dominique Susani and Karen Crowley-Susani The Temple of Witchcraft will be hosting a weekend intensive with Dominique Susani and Karen Crowley-Susani, the founders of Energetic Geometry, co-authors of Secrets of Sacred Geometry: Solar Geometry for Health and Life and teachers of the master-builder traditions that are the foundation of sacred temple construction around the world. As we look towards the development of the land we steward here in Salem, NH, we look Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Cooperation and glowing in the dark

by Karin Ugander We live in historic times and the world around us has changed, once again. We have just survived what was hopefully the peak of the COVID-19 virus and now the war in Ukraine is shaking the stability in the world. How do things like that make sense? And how do you continue with your life when the world around you is uncertain and feels unsafe? Let´s take a walk around the heavens and see Read More...

Weaving the Roots of the Witch Soul

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle “What is a Witch?” is a question that I often joke has more answers than there have ever been Witches, as we each might change our minds more than once, and more definitions arise as more Witches come into knowledge of themselves. It’s beautiful, but can make things confusing for both non-Witches and Witches alike. Yet the questioning of identity, motive, relationship, actions, and consequences are part and parcel of Read More...

Opening and Closing Doors

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle The world of magick is completely natural, a part of our birthright and the essence of being human on Gaea, and yet we can feel completely separate from it until we open the door to it. We are conditioned to be separate from it, so the process of training is learning to open the door. And one door leads to another and then another. Many realize over the years that Read More...

I’m Melting

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Dissolve and coagulate! These are the mysteries of the ancient alchemists, and as the oldest and wisest of the alchemists is Mother Nature herself, continually transmuting herself, it is the wisdom of the Witch as well. But what does it mean? Many quote the words as an important teaching, but fail to apply them. They are two processes, overtly chemical but also operating on emotional, mental, and psychological levels, and Read More...

For Broom Closet Witches

by Claire du Nord So, you are drawn to the Craft of the Wise, but even though in theory you have the right to study and practice Witchcraft, in practice your Practice presents certain challenges and you are therefore not completely free to do so, for whatever reason. If this is the case for you, you may just be a Broom Closet Witch, like me. Claire du Nord here, a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft Read More...

Temple of Witchcraft
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