Kriya became Taurus lead Minister in July of 2014, a few months after graduating from the Temple of Witchcraft Seminary and becoming a High Priestess, and left that role at the end of 2019.
Kriya has many years of experience working in the animal welfare and veterinary fields and maintains employment as Medical Director for a large animal shelter where she has the privilege of working with animals daily, overseeing all aspects of their health. Through her professional work, Kriya touches, evaluates, and assists over 2,000 animals a year. She is a Shamballa Master Teacher as well as a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and regularly employs those techniques.
Much of her work involves communicating with animals via symbols, body scans, and emotional healing allowing her to apply appropriate therapies, which may include the use of crystal grids, homeopathy, and flower essences. She has recently begun to use affirmations when working with the animals to change the vibration surrounding that animal, thereby modifying its behavior. This, along with chanting specific animal medicine chants, are exciting new ways she is exploring her work with animals.
Kriya’s daily spiritual practice includes yoga, running, the LBRP, Circulations of the Body of Light, and chanting. She believes that by strengthening the body, it becomes a stronger vessel for the Work and helps counteract some of the conditions she manages, such as asthma, allergies, and fibromyalgia. She is an avid mountain runner and runs the USATF Mountain Running Series each year. On a deeper spiritual level, Kriya works with shamanic practices including animal medicine, drumming, working with the Dark Gods and Goddesses, and ancestral work. She believes we all have keys to unlock many paths of learning and healing within us, and part of the magickal path is looking for those points of access.