Celebrate the Season of the Witch

IMG_0755Although this past weekend in New Hampshire featured summer-like temperatures and sunshine, the changing leaves on the trees certainly know that Autumn is here: the “Season of the Witch.” The Temple of Witchcraft is preparing for a busy October, with a wide range of offerings including classes, workshops, rituals, and more!

On Sunday, October 5th (the first weekend), we have our Children’s Ministry Mabon Ritual from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, followed by our Scorpio Ministry Ritual for Those Mourning a Loss and Honoring the Ancestors from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, both held in South Hampton, NH. Online registration is open (and encouraged!) for both events. Email [email protected] for information about Children’s Ministry events and [email protected] for more on the ritual.

The following Friday, October 10th, features the Congress of the Bones ritual at the Temple in Salem, NH, from 7:00 to 9:30 pm. This is one of three “founder rituals” performed annually by the Temple Founders and involves communion with the ancestors, beloved dead, and the Mighty Dead of our Timeless Tradition. Online registration is available and space is limited, so pre-registration is encouraged.

After Columbus Day Weekend, we have the Temple’s monthly Protection Ritual in Salem, NH, at 7:00 pm. Email [email protected] for details or to register to attend.

On October 16th, the Scorpio Ministry offers an Ancestor Letter-Writing class in conjunction with our Letters to the Ancestors call for Samhain. The class is not required to participate in the effort, but is open to those who might need assistance in composing their letter(s).

October 18th, join us at Celebrate Samhain in Peterborough, NH, for a day of vendors, workshops, and Samhain events. The Temple will have a table at the event to offer information and goods from the Temple Store.

Then … Saturday, October 25th is the main event! The Temple’s annual Psychic Faire and Samhain Celebration! A day-long event with psychic readers, local crafters and artisans, and the offerings from the Temple Store, including an all-new book from Laurie Cabot, the “Official Witch of Salem, MA”—Laurie Cabot’s Book of Spells & Enchantmentswith contributions by Laurie’s student, Temple founder Christopher Penczak! The faire is free and open to the public from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Then, at 7:00 pm is our annual Samhain Ritual. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, as this is by far the most heavily attended ritual of the year!

But we’re still not finished! The week after our New Hampshire Samhain celebration, the Temple offers a rare opportunity: a lecture by noted scholar Philip Hesselton on Gerald Gardner and the modern Witchcraft revival, October 28th at 7:00 pm at the Temple in Salem, NH.

That weekend, November 1st, is the start of the Temple of Witchcraft offering Wheel of the Year sabbats in Portland, Maine! High Priestess Silver Lyons and High Priest Casey O’Brien will offer a Samhain Ritual at the Allen Avenue UU Church, 524 Allen Ave., Portland, ME, starting at 7:00 pm.

Then it’s Samhain for the little ones as the Children’s Ministry offers its Samhain ritual on Sunday, November 2nd, at 2:00 pm in South Hampton, NH. Email [email protected] for more information.

That’s ten events in just one turn of the moon! We hope to see you at some of our celebrations of the Season of the Witch and the turning of the Wheel – Samhain blessings to all!

Temple of Witchcraft
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