
Voices of the Temple: Libra

Episode 9: Libra

Voices of the Temple host Adam Sartwell—in his fetching new owl hat!—interviews Libra arch-minister Christian about the work of meditation and public relations, including interfaith, angels, and the saints. Plus how Adam braved the wild turkeys of Boston to get this podcast!


Voices of the Temple: Virgo

Episode 8: Virgo

In what may be our most unusual Voices of the Temple yet, host Adam Sartwell interviews… himself! Since Adam is also the Temple’s Virgo Lead Minister, he took questions from you, our Temple members, and has answered them in an interview with a fairy, a demon, and… well, you’ll just have to listen and hear for yourself! Plus all the latest Temple of Witchcraft news.


Voices of the Temple: Leo

Episode 7: Leo

In this month’s episode of Voices of the Temple, Adam talks with Leo Minister Derek O’Sullivan about the relationship between art and the Craft, his music, and the art-related projects of the Temple and the ministry.


Voices of the Temple: Cancer

Episode 6: Cancer

In this episode of Voices of the Temple, Adam talks with Cancer Minister Matooka about her ministry’s work, including women’s circles, the divine feminine, and motherly support and nurturing of the Temple community.


Voices of the Temple: Gemini

Episode 5: Gemini

It’s the second part of the “Gemini swap” as Voices of the Temple host Adam Sartwell catches up with Aquarius minister Lisa, talking about public events, including the upcoming TempleFest 2010! Also features all the latest news, including Temple plans for Boston Pride in June and Hecate’s Feast Day in August!


Voices of the Temple: Taurus

Episode 4: Taurus

Temple Founder Christopher Penczak may not be in charge of the Taurus Ministry, but he is a Taurus! Christopher joins Adam for this month’s installment of Voices of the Temple to talk about the Temple’s Seminary, teaching, and educational work. Plus news on upcoming Temple of Witchcraft events and activities! And pie!


Voices of the Temple: Aries

Episode 3: Aries

Pagan warriors, arise! In this Voices of the Temple podcast, host Adam Sartwell talks with Aries Minister Michael about martial arts and the warrior’s path and the development of both physical and psychic defense. Also featuring news on upcoming Temple of Witchcraft ministries, events, and activities!


Voices of the Temple: Pisces

Episode 2: Pisces

In our second Voices of the Temple podcast, host (and Virgo Minister) Adam Sartwell speaks with Pisces Minister and High Priestess Alix about her background and the ministry’s work in presenting public rituals. Also featuring news on upcoming Temple of Witchcraft ministries, events, and activities!


Voices of the Temple: Aquarius

Episode 1: Aquarius

In our premier Voices of the Temple podcast, Adam explores the mysteries of Aquarius, the sign we most associate with the Temple’s style of organization. Featuring news on upcoming Temple events and an interview with Temple Founder and Gemini minister Steve Kenson on the start of the Temple of Witchcraft, its goals and organization, and how you can get involved!

Temple of Witchcraft