Today I felt the need to get out and have some much needed “fairy time.” Fairy time is what I and my good friend Matooka call going out into the woods and refilling our “fairy batteries”. I love to do walking meditations in the woods this time of year. The smell of the leaves and the hush of the wind fill me with mana. It is a great way to fill up my reserves so I can get through this busy season unscathed.
As I entered the Salem Town Forrest there were no hunting signs up, but as I came over the bridge I found some ten gallon bags with a vest, hat, and note that read “forest friends please borrow and return. BE SAFE!” I took out the orange vest and hat and put them on, not sure of the hunting season times. As I walked through the forest I met people and we talked about if it was hunting season yet. None of us knew.
So for all of my witches who walk in woods and fairies needing a recharge here are the hunting times for New Hampshire from the New Hampshire Fish and Game website. If you don’t live in New Hampshire but want to know if your hunting season has started please consult your state’s fish and game website. Also Please don’t forget to get your furry friends an orange bandanna or vest if your going to the woods, or live near some!
- Starts Sept. 1 Black bear/dates vary for method and WMU
- Sept. 2013 – Jan. 2014 Waterfowl/dates vary by species and zone
- Sept. 15 – Dec. 15 Deer/archery (Note: archery season closes on Dec. 8 in WMU A)
- Sept. 15 – Dec. 15 Fall turkey/archery
- Oct. 14 – Oct. 18, 2013 Fall turkey/shotgun (in certain WMUs only); Monday – Friday
- Sept. 2013 – March 2014 Small game and furbearers/dates vary by species and region
- Oct. 1 – Dec. 31, 2013 Pheasant
- Oct. 19 – Oct. 27, 2013 Moose (by permit only)
- Oct. 26 – 27, 2013 Youth deer-hunting weekend
- Nov. 2 – Nov. 12, 2013 Deer/muzzleloader
- Nov. 13 – Dec. 8, 2013 Deer/regular firearms (closes one week early in WMU A, on Dec. 1, 2013)
Stay safe forest friends… wear some really bright orange!
Your Virgo lead minister,
Adam Sartwell
long time forest friend