Where to Begin

Wondering where to begin in your studies and involvement in the Temple of Witchcraft community?

All of our major events, both in-person and online, are listed on our Online Calendar.

And here are some ideas:

Pillars of the Witch’s Temple is a great, extensive, go-at-your-own-pace course teaching you our foundational practices and techniques without the pressure of homework or a fast pace.

Sabbat and Esbat Rituals: We offer online Moon rituals (esbats) and online and various in-person seasonal rituals (sabbats) as a community. Our main gatherings are in New Hampshire, but have active groups in Mississippi, Texas and Florida, with more growing. They are listed in our newsletter and calendar.

The Wheel of the Year and The 
Path of the Moon courses welcome everyone, though they assume you have some background knowledge in Witchcraft, ritual, and meditation. They focus on how the seasons and moons are celebrated in the Temple community, with spells, rituals, recipes, and guided meditations.

Witchcraft 1-5: The Mystery School and Seminary: Based upon the Temple of Witchcraft book series, this is an intensive, rigorous and fast paced experience for those seeking an initiatory experience akin to being in a serious training coven, but in the setting of a class, online or in-person. Best for those seeking deep training and dedicated to the work. Monthly assignments with hard due dates, feedback, with listening, reading, and writing as a part of each lesson. In-Person classes are based in New Hampshire and various other locations with teachers, and online for all those not near a teacher. Often a major undertaking and ideal as your spiritual focus for the class duration rather than splitting your time with other classes or work in other traditions simultaneously.

Society of the Temple offers advanced studies for our students who have graduated Witchcraft 3 or higher, focusing on the teaching of Love, Power, and Wisdom in a folkloric mythos of the Western occult tradition.


Those looking to learn in the Temple tradition entirely on their own can start with:

  • The Inner Temple of Witchcraft (Book 1 of the Temple Mystery School)
  • The Witch’s Shield by Christopher Penczak
  • Foundations of the Temple

All are available in our online store or your local metaphysical bookseller.

You can also look at our Temple Reading List for the courses for inspiration.

Other Classes and Courses

We do a wide range of regular and special classes, including Dark Moon classes on “advanced” topics, classes on specific ancestors, and extended classes, such as Kitchen Witchery and Magickal Gardening. When registration is open, they are listed in our newsletter, social media, and website calendar.

Groups and Clubs

We offer a wide range of social groups and clubs, such as Temple Book Club, Crafting Night, and a variety of events including Women’s Group, Men’s Group, and a Queer Spirit Group. Some groups require initiation into the Mystery School, meaning you have graduated Witchcraft I, but most don’t. Check the group’s description to be sure.

General Membership is granted by attending any three events, online or in person. At various rituals, we ritually recognize new General Members. If you have completed your three events, please ask!

Temple of Witchcraft
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