Heed the call. Gather round the hearth. Tend the flame.

Temple of Witchcraft is elated to announce its fifth annual online winter festival, TempleHearth, will be held Friday, Jan 31- Sunday, Feb 2! With lectures, workshops, rituals, a discussion panel, a bardic circle, and so much more, this is the perfect way to welcome the Light of Imbolc. Curl up with your favorite hot beverage and immerse yourself in a world of community, education, healing, and magick.
Payment Information: $80.00 via Eventbrite.
Please note, the TempleHearth schedule is on Central Time in the United States, which is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 6 hours.
Keynote Workshop: Fire, Phonics, and the Forge
with Christopher Penczak, Saturday, 9:10 am – 10:30 am
The lightning strike and the fall from the heavens both divide us from the all and give us blessed opportunity for return with a rich expansive experience. With the first strike of lightning fire is brought to humanity, for protection, cooking, and illumination of the sacred. With the second strike, the one language is torn asunder with symbols and letters as the tower falls. With the third strike of iron, we awaken our blood to the crafting of tools and technology. All divide humanity from our natural kin and all are crafts of magick, to return us once again. Learn the mystery of the fire, phonics, and the forge in the mythos of the Temple of Witchcraft as three paths of return.
Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found. He is the author of many books, including the award winning Temple of Witchcraft series, The Plant Spirit Familiar, and The Mighty Dead, as well as the co-owner of Copper Cauldron Publishing. His vision is of an evolving Witchcraft culture making magick accessible to all, yet preserving the heart of the mystery. For more information, visit christopherpenczak.com and templeofwitchcraft.org.
Tarotmancing The Divine: Gateways into the Mystery School of Tarot
with Christine Ford
Saturday, 10:40 am – 12:00 pm
Have you ever felt intimidated by the tarot or struggled to learn the cards and their meanings? Would you like to have a deep, meaningful, and magickal relationship with your cards? You’re not alone! Perhaps the reason why it is hard for some people to access the magick of the tarot is because it’s like a magickal mystery school! The secrets are on the cards in plain sight yet remain hidden for the uninitiated. In this workshop we’ll explore various gateways that can act as access points to enter the mysteries of the tarot! Some topics will include:
- increasing our visual literacy
- elemental gateways to the tarot
- working with the divine spirits of the tarot
- unique ways to work with the tarot to deepen any spiritual or magickal practice
- … and much more!
Grab a beverage and some cards and let’s enter the mysteries together!
Christine Ford is a High Priestess with the Temple of Witchcraft having studied with Christopher Penczak in the Temple’s Mystery School.Through the InSpirit Centre in Georgetown Ontario, Christine currently offers psychic readings specializing in lithomancy, cartomancy, and mediumship. She regularly offers workshops on a variety of metaphysical and magickal topics and is a presenter for such events as Templehearth, WomynSpirit, Silver Circle, and the Hamilton Pagan Pride Festival.
First to the Gallows: Witch Hysteria in Colonial Connecticut
with Dan Lupacchino
Saturday, 1:00 pm – 1:50 pm
Long before the infamous Salem witch trials, another New England Colony danced with the Devil, igniting the witch hysteria leading to the first execution in the new world. Witches, Healers, or Women? Discover the ideologies, motives, and means of the first new world witch hunts. Learn how the word Witch holds the charge of damnation and liberation while finding ways to help heal the witch soul.
Dan Lupacchino is a High Priest and Ordained Minister of the Temple of Witchcraft. He works within the Sagittarius Ministry as an ordained teacher, teaching assistant, and student mentor in the online Mystery School. He also helps co-facilitate the Connecticut TOW sabbat ritual events alongside Ryan Cucchi and Lori Ouellette.
Understanding Messages from the Body
with Jason Nadeau
Saturday, 2:00 pm – 2:50 pm
Our bodies, and for bodyworkers the bodies of our clients, have so much to tell us. Have you ever wanted to go deeper in what those messages are? How to understand the deeper more specific message both from your own body and the bodies of the people asking you for readings and healings? Join Jason for some practical exercises to get deeper and some guidelines to better understand how these relationships work out between physical ailments and somatic components to injury or illness. Finally, begin to understand how to communicate with the body for better healing for yourself and for others.
Jason Nadeau is a High Priest and Ordained Minister in the Temple of Witchcraft. Jason is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, IET ® Master/Instructor, and Certified Firewalk Instructor. He enjoys offering healing and bodywork sessions, coaching, teaching classes, offering home and land blessings, and leading or offering rituals especially for the transitions and initiations that happen through life. He also gets out to nature as often as he can. Jason can be reached through his website ryetherapeuticmassage.com or by email [email protected].
Reflections of Brigid – The Goddess of Many Faces Within Ourselves
with Renee Bedard
Saturday, 3:10 pm – 4:30 pm
Over the centuries, we have come to know Brigid as a healer, seer, smith, goddess, and saint. She brings forth new life, protects all, and offers inspiration for dreamers and builders alike. While we may see her as a Keeper of the Flame and Sacred Wells, she is much, much more. Brigid whispers that we too, are more than we can imagine. In this class, we will explore the many faces of the beloved goddess as she opens the gate to reveal our own wonder, talent, and magick. Together we will craft a healing water and through meditation, join her beneath the snow to rekindle our inner flame and welcome the light of a new day.
Renee Bedard is a witch, psychic, teacher, and healing facilitator. For well over a decade, she has worked as a psychic intuitive, medium and reiki practitioner. Renee is a current Witchcraft 5 student and Deputy Minister in the Temple of Witchcraft’s Virgo Ministry. She has a passion for writing and has been featured in several anthologies. You can find her blog on her website thewhisperingcrow.com.
Signs from the Universe: Superstitions and Omens Throughout History
with Mariann Dellosso
Saturday, 4:40 pm – 5:30 pm
Have you ever knocked on wood? Thrown salt over your shoulder? Watched in horror as a black cat crossed your path? Omens and superstitions have been around since ancient times and still permeate our culture today. Discover how they originated and why…and learn how empower yourself by creating your own luck!
Mariann Dellosso has studied a wide variety of interests including dance, child book illustration, architectural design and drafting, method acting, and travel. During COVID-19, she is proud to have worked with the Public Health Department in her local community and was frequently a healer through words and actions to those in need. A practicing witch since 1978, Mariann is passionate about working with people to weave their dreams into reality. She loves to use her diverse experiences and interests as a way to explore her creative self, find new opportunities for learning and development, and enhance her magick. She is Witchcraft 2 student in the Temple Mystery School and identifies as a witch, creative being, healer, and wanderer.
Scandal on the Yorkshire Moors: Women Who Love Women
with Karen Ainsworth
Sunday, 10:00 am – 10:50 am
Ever heard of Anne Lister, an English diarist better known as “Gentleman Jack?” Not a witch, but a strong, empowered woman who knew exactly what she wanted in a world dominated and dictated by men. Born over two hundred years ago, her story is only just being told and her life celebrated.
As we call on the light to return this Imbolc, come learn about Anne and her incredible crypt-hand diaries, not unlike the codes and sigils we use in our magick today. Walk the Yorkshire Moors with her to her home at Shibden Hall in Halifax, and let her words of wisdom guide you into a new year.
“I can shake off anything. As I write, my sorrows disappear and my courage is reborn.” (Anne Lister, 1791-1840)
Karen Ainsworth is a Temple HPS and Ordained Minister working within the Sagittarius Ministry as the Assistant Dean of The Mystery School. Based in Lancashire UK, her love of travel and cooking can be found in the series of classes she offers online: Kitchen Witchery and Crafting for the Home. Her most recent series of classes developing the mythos of the Temple explores The Work of the Nine Witches in Britain; An eclectic journey of Goddesses, Myths, and Living Legends. Three stories of Myth; Three stories of a Goddess; Three stories of those who walked on this Earth.
Clearing Karmic and Causal Patterns
with Adam Sartwell
Sunday, 11:00 am – 12:20 pm
Karmic patterns are the waves of cause and effect emanating from our past and our past lies, affecting our present and future experiences. Causal energy, originating on the Causal Plane and found in our subtle Causal Body, initiates the changes we experience from our karmic patterns. Though some feel they are destined for any difficulties they experience in life, with no hope of change, magickal practitioners recognize that all forces can be transmuted, re-woven, and used in alignment with our intentions and highest good. Learn to change and reprogram your karmic patterns, clear causal energies, and invoke your higher self’s purpose. Learn about the sources and effects of our karma, how to recognize its effect on you, and powerful methods to transform it for a better experience of life and a fulfillment of your soul’s purpose.
Adam Sartwell works as a certified Consulting Hypnotist with certification by NGH and ICBCH, and professional Tarot reader. He is a co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft. Award winning Author of Twenty-one days of Reiki and The Blessing Cord. For more information on his work as a hypnotist and online courses go to hypnointuitive.com. To see more about his work as an author, psychic reader, and teacher go to his website adamsartwell.com.
Meeting the Red Goddess Babalon: Embrace Your True Desires
with Oceana LeBlanc
Sunday, 2:30 – 3:50 pm
Join us for a transformative time together where you’ll explore the empowering energy of the Red Goddess Babalon and learn how to integrate some of Aleister Crowley’s magickal practices into your life. This workshop will guide you through uncovering hidden aspects of your sexuality and desires using guided meditation and shadow work. You’ll gain practical tools to enhance intimacy, embrace your true self, and deepen your relationships. Perfect for those interested in exploring both traditional and non-traditional dynamics. Discover how Babalon’s energy can help you transform your love life and personal growth.
Oceana is an expert in Relationship Magick and a high priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft. Her four decades of expertise in spiritual life coaching and energy healing are devoted to facilitating deep personal and spiritual transformation. Known for her warm, engaging style, Oceana also enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and embracing her role as a women’s empowerment facilitator and teacher of the mysteries.
Pagans and Polyhedrals
with Steve Kenson
Sunday, 4:30 – 5:20 pm
Sometimes the Venn diagram between modern pagans and table-top roleplayers looks more like a vesica pisces, if not a circle. What does the realm of fantasy storytelling using dice and arcane books of rules have to do with the realm of real-world spiritual practice using tools and arcane books of … well, arcana? Join Temple Gemini lead minister Steve Kenson, both a professional game designer and ordained Witch, and long-time practitioner of both, to find out!
Steve Kenson (he/him) is a Founder and Gemini lead minister for the Temple of Witchcraft. He has been a professional writer and designer in the tabletop games industry for thirty years and has written or contributed to over 200 books in that field. Steve maintains a website at stevekenson.com and can be reached for Temple matters at [email protected].
Also Featuring:
Friday Night Bardic Circle
with Sellena Dear
Friday, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Friday, January 31st, your voices are needed to stoke the flame. Share myths, stories, songs or poems that guide your practice and rituals. The Bardic Circle is a highlight of TempleHearth, and it’s the unique voices and stories each of you bring that make it so special. Whether you’re a seasoned bard or sharing for the first time, your contribution is valued and eagerly anticipated.
Saturday Night Imbolc Ritual
with Christopher Penczak and Matooka Moonbear
Saturday, 6:50 pm – 8:30 pm

Come celebrate the Feast of the Lady of the Cave and Flame as healer, poet, and smith. Together in a guided visionary ritual we seek the mystery of the winter dark by bearing the sacred flame into the cave to awaken the slumbering goddess. Together we thank the Jack of the Frost, and slowly awaken the tide of spring as we turn the wheel. As a community, we shall craft a spiritual brew to nourish ourselves, our peoples, and the world by speaking the blessings and virtues of each of the twelve zodiac ministries into the sacred cauldron. By these blessings we turn the Wheel of the Year and celebrate the sabbat of Imbolc.
Witchcraft: Then and Now
Sunday Afternoon Discussion Panel
with Sellena Dear, Asteria Dominy, Vicky O’Hallaran, and Shell Kyle
Sunday, 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm

Join four well-respected members of the Temple of Witchcraft community as they answer questions regarding how and when they came to Witchcraft as well as how education and participation in the Witchcraft community has changed over the years. Learn from the wisdom they have gained in the past and now as we look forward to a bright future not only in our tradition, but for the pagan community as a whole.
The Lightning of Humanity
Sunday Evening Ritual
with Christopher Penczak
Sunday, 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm
As Witches, we draw down the power of the Sun, Moon and Stars to make magick. In the most ancient of days, the first humans drew down the lightning to conjure the first fires to tend. They drew down the light and cast the shadows of letters through the branches of the trees and the movement of hands, forming our first magick words to speak. They drew down the stones of heavens to make iron, and found more in the blood of the Earth to forge the first blade, plough, and horseshoe, resonating with the iron of their own blood. In this visionary ritual, walk with the ancient ancestors to unlock the magick of fire, language and iron as paths of magick, regeneration and enlightenment.
Mealtime Discussions, Morning Coffees, and Saturday Night Lounge
….and so much more!