The Temple is pleased to announce that online registration for this year’s TempleFest is now open!

Day Passes! In addition to all of the on-site, all weekend options from last year, we are offering a limited number of “day passes” for the event. To access these, input a special registration code that consists of “TF” plus the first three letters of the day, so TFFRI, TFSAT, and TFSUN, for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday day-passes. Note that Saturday is our “family fun day” specifically aimed at families with children who might like to attend the festival for the day.
Lodging: Please note that the TempleFest lodging coordinator will work with you to get you assigned to the lodging of your choice on-site, but that it may take some time to get a response. If you have special accommodation needs, please list them on your registration under “Lodging Preferences.” Your patience with our all-volunteer staff is appreciated.
Event Submissions & Vendor Applications are closed for this year’s event. Please, no inquiries regarding submitting an event or vending at TempleFest 2018. If you have been accepted as a presenter or vendor, you will receive email instructions about registering to ensure your particular needs are taken care of. Please follow those instructions rather than the general registration.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at TempleFest in August!