Animal Ministry

The Taurus ministry’s animal ministry promotes stewardship and compassion for our animal siblings through education, ritual, and healing services, to foster harmony among all species. Our vision is to foster and sustain an environment that acknowledges and honors the unique relationship between people and animals through education, services and events.

Activities & Services

Articles and classes: 
Classes will be held with a well rounded collection covering all aspects of animal welfare, health, advocacy and our unique ability to affect positive change for the betterment of all species.

  • Our Monthly Healing List
  • Annual Blessing of the Animals (each Imbolc)
  • Blessing of the Food Supply (each Beltane)
  • Remembrance Services (each Samhain)
  • Animal communication
  • Animal Reiki, crystal healing, flower essence recommendations
  • Crossing Over Services (done by distance)
  • Support to animal services groups, which includes animal advocacy (HSUS, ASPCA, IFAW etc).

Healing List

An important element of the work of Witchcraft is healing. As a service to our community the Animal Ministry maintains a healing list of animals. The list is made up every new moon and the previous list will be replaced on the new moon of each month.

If you want to place your pet, a farm or a wild animal onto the healing list please email [email protected] with the animal’s name, species, age, and a picture (if you so choose). Healing lists will be renewed each month, please make your submissions by the full moon of the prior month.

Pet Bereavement

Further resources provided upon request. Email [email protected].


We are always looking for focused volunteers who are committed to making a difference for animals by advocacy, volunteerism, veganism and healing. If you are interested in helping and can provide a monthly commitment of 2-5 hours a month, then please contact us by emailing [email protected]. Let us know what you are passionate about! Healing facilitators, ministers and animal communicators are welcome!

Temple of Witchcraft