A high priestess and ordained minister of the Temple of Witchcraft, Stevie is Dean of Students of its Mystery School and Seminary. In addition to her training in the Temple tradition and service to other Temple ministries, Stevie brings with her over 25 years of experience as a spiritual counselor, psychic and metaphysical healer, Reiki Master, leader of public rituals, and teacher of Witchcraft, as well as knowledge from her career in psychology. A retired university professor and clinical psychologist, she was for many years active in the academic sub-fields of hypnosis, past-life therapy, and women’s studies. Stevie lives in the southeastern part of Washington state, and to balance her role as Dean, she enjoys meditating in her garden where she and her husband grow herbs and exotic hard-shelled gourds that they transform into magickally-inspired art.
Services: spiritual counseling, healing and Reiki, Tarot readings, handfastings and other rites of passage, classes, workshops, and public rituals.
Contact: [email protected]