Children’s Mabon Ritual


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers the following downloads for parents to celebrate Mabon with their younger children.


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers the following downloads for parents to celebrate Mabon, the Autumnal equinox, with their younger children.

Mabon is the second of the harvest celebrations. Just like the Spring equinox, it’s a time when day and night are equal length. In the spring we see the days following the equinox grow lighter and lighter. At this time of year the days following the equinox will grow darker and darker until the Winter solstice.

Our ancestors used this time of year to harvest the last bits of crops and store them away for the winter months. Some years I’m sure they harvested more food than others but our ancestors where always mindful of the blessings they had in what ever amount of food they had to store. This is truly a time to give thanks for all the blessings we have. Mabon is the “Pagan thanksgiving” and we can really use this ritual to focus on all we are grateful for.

Our craft for the ritual is a blessing bowl, writing everything we are blessed with on slips of paper and keeping them in a special bowl. This is a great thing for kids to do, especially when they feel down and out. All they have to do is read their blessings and suddenly things don’t seem so bad.

This download consists of a 4-page ritual outline, 2-page instructions for making a blessing bowl, 2-page instructions for making tea-dyed paper, and a 1-page harvest apple bake recipe for the celebration. All proceeds support the Temple of Witchcraft’s ongoing work.

Temple of Witchcraft
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