Children’s Litha Ritual 2024


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers downloads for parents to celebrate the sabbats of the Wheel of the Year with their children.


The Temple’s Cancer Ministry offers downloads for parents to celebrate the sabbats of the Wheel of the Year with their children.

Litha is also known as the Summer Solstice. At this time of the year, the sun is at its highest point in the sky and brings us the longest day of sunlight. Now we begin the journey towards the Winter Solstice. Although it doesn’t seem like it, each day from this point on is a little shorter.

Summer is filled with so much joy and so many fun things to do. It is truly a time we want to be in nature. It is at this time of year that we can do workings to heal the earth, bless the crops and offer blessings to people.

This download consists of a 7-page ritual outline, 2-page guide to crafting painted sun-stones, 3-page recipe for s’mores brownies, and 3 coloring and activity pages on the Celtic goddess Aine. All proceeds support the Temple of Witchcraft’s ongoing work.

Temple of Witchcraft