Vittorio Benetti, also known as Evil Vick, is a High Priest and Ordained Minister with the Temple of Witchcraft. Currently, he's a Teaching Assistant for students in the online Mystery School under the Sagittarius Ministry and volunteers for the Scorpio Ministry. He's also a Light Bearer of the Temple. Living in Italy with his wife, daughter, and two cats, he works as an IT tech. He is actively working to build an Italian community by organizing public Read More...
by Erica Sittler We’ve come to the end of our course here in W1. If I was a good student, I would be studying for our test. You know, the one you have to pass in order to initiate? Pass with a 100%. It’s an open book test, so everyone should pass, right? Yet, I am the student who could easily not do that. I hope there are bonus questions. Or maybe we get extra credit for Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, Edited by Tina Whittle I am enamored by the mysteries! On all levels, they embody the essence of the magickal journey because all things have their mystery, from the most philosophical to the seemingly mundane, for one mystery teaching is that nothing is mundane. But you have to have the experience of that mystery to truly understand it. Preserve the mysteries. Reveal them often. These have been mantras for me. Not that I wish Read More...
by Claire du Nord In keeping with one of my favorite mottos – “Rescue, Reuse, Repurpose” – the Tannenbaum from this past Yule presented me with several new opportunities to do just that – knowing that in a short while it would be time to celebrate Imbolc, the next Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year. Claire du Nord here, a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition. The whole Tannenbaum couldn’t stay in my Read More...
The year of 2024 has just started. The first month has just passed and many are already asking themselves, what is going on? It feels so intense! All I can say is, welcome to the Master Number Year of 44/8! We are all in for a ride this year and we can expect life to become intense. But, if there is a lot of energy in movement, there is also a lot of possibilities to grow in Read More...
monthly online working-group with High Priest Adam Sartwell $270 tuition • Hecate's Nights online application form Hecate is the primal goddess of Witches and Witchcraft and honored with a special place in the Temple. On nine nights in 2025, join High Priest Adam Sartwell to learn more about Hecate, deepen your connection through devotions, and do ritual and meditation to explore your work with Her. We will delve into Her symbols, nine-fold aspects, performing magick with Her Read More...
Arti Aetherwyn is a Deputy for the Aquarius Ministry and is in her fifth year of study with the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School, set to initiate in May 2025. Arti has over 20 years of experience in Emergency Management and is advancing her knowledge and training in mental health and spiritual care. In addition to her Temple work, Arti is a tarot reader, psychic, and tarot teacher who regularly volunteers to ensure the safety, health, and Read More...
by Erica Sittler They call it “the crooked path” for good reason, and my journey into witchcraft has been as simultaneously mundane and extraordinary as many folks. Like many of us, I was born into a Christian construct. Mine was the early versions of what is now alt-right religious extremism. Televangelists were our heroes. Beatings on an almost daily basis with rods and straps were proof that my parents were godly and “containing the wild ungodliness” of Read More...
by Claire DuNord This Yule Season’s magick was ushered in, quite literally, when this six feet tall live Tannenbaum came floating through the front door, followed by my equally tall roommate. He had just found it – would you believe – standing next to our apartment complex’s dumpsters! Claire du Nord here, a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition, with the fourteenth article in our “For Broom Closet Witches” series. “Tannenbaum” is the German word Read More...
The holidays are coming and for many of us this means spending more time with family and friends. This year the stars in the sky tell us there will be even more than usual focus on our relationships and where we are heading in life. Things can get a bit complicated, but there are still things you can do if you are prepared. So let's grab a cup of tea or coffee and see what we can Read More...