The Temple of Witchcraft offers:
Spirit, Community, Education
in Salem, NH and online.

Co-founded by Christopher Penczak, Steve Kenson, and Adam Sartwell, the Temple of Witchcraft started in 1998 as a system of magickal training and personal development, and eventually developed into a formal tradition of Witchcraft.

Now, as an outgrowth of the work of students, initiates, and graduates of the programs, the Temple of Witchcraft has evolved into an organization based on traditions of modern magick, Witchcraft, and neopaganism.

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Samhain Crafting: Yarn Offering Bowl

For this Samhain season, we’re making easy to craft yarn bowls to use as offering vessels to honor the Mighty Dead when the veil thins between the worlds. Most supplies can even be in house already for families to start crafting now. For this project we used chunky acrylic yarn, but feel free to use whatever materials you have on hand or that call to you. Alternatively, you can also use strips of old cloth or an Read More...

Being In Love with Our Wounds

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Sometimes we are not ready to change. We think we are. We say we are. But when the opportunity comes, we either recoil from true change or play along and get mad when it doesn’t work perfectly and then double down on whatever we are seeking to change, becoming even more intractable. We have all done it. The trick is in not doing it again. While there are the certain Read More...

Witchcraft I Online Registration to Close Early

Due to the unusually high volume of applications for the March 2021 session, exceeding the number of positions in the class, we are planning to close registration for the online session of Witchcraft I: The Inner Temple earlier this year, by the end of November 2020, to give us time to process all of the applications. We limit the number of people in this already very large class because there is required monthly homework where each student Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Curiosity Killed the Cat

Are you curious about what happened to some people that used to be in your life? Have you been tempted to call your ex. lover? The one that cheated on you, took all your money and left you with debts? Or your crazy ex friend that moved into your apartment ate all your food and refused to move out when asked to? Or your ex coven friend that talked about you behind your back. Well, don't do Read More...

The Bends

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle “I’m pretty advanced magickally. I don’t need to do that anymore.” Oh really? I get it. I’ve been there before myself, but there is a reason why certain techniques remain, why certain core practices are, well, core. But in the days of quick fixes and shortcuts, we can be oblivious to both why this is true and what the consequences are when we forget. And then we wonder why we Read More...

New Mystery School Classes in Texas

The Temple's Mystery School is pleased to announce open registration for a new year of Mystery School classes in Porter, Texas, with High Priestess Virginia Villarreal. Please visit the Mystery School page of the website or the individual class pages for details, dates, and links to the online application forms. Also, please note that these in-person classes, like the Temple's other classes and events may initially take place online (via Zoom video conferencing) or require pandemic precautions Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Love Magick and Light from the Past

Right now we have a big trine in fire that can create a guiding light. This light can take you down memory lane to forgotten important keys and portals of understanding. The trine of fire is created by Vesta (devotion, priest, priestess) in Leo, the south node (karma, the past) in Sagittarius and Mars (drive, will) and Lilith Black Moon in Aries. Vesta can show where we are devoted, what our inner fire is burning for. She Read More...

New Class Offerings

In addition to our new in-person and online Mystery School classes now open for registration, the Temple is pleased to announce the following new class offerings: The Mysteries of the Wheel of the Year, online with Christopher Penczak: In this year-long class, go deeper into the soul and spirit world through the Turning of the Wheel of the Year. Examine specific mystical teachings involving the approach towards the Wheel found in the Temple of Witchcraft, yet adaptable Read More...

What Is Your Witchcraft Budget?

At one of the reiki shares we were sharing what was going on a bit in our lives. One share stuck out to me the next day. It was of a parent who was putting two kids through college and how as parents they had to go over what their budget was so they could afford to send both progeny to college. One thing that had to be factored into their budget was witchcraft and what they Read More...

Mystery School Registration for 2021 Now Open

The Temple's Sagittarius Ministry is pleased to announce that online registration for the 2021 session of the Temple Mystery School is now open! Interested applicants should visit our Education page for complete class policies and information, along with links to the individual class levels. The individual class pages have full descriptions of that class, along with links to the online registration form. Next year's year-long Mystery School classes begin in March of 2021. We are looking forward to Read More...

Temple of Witchcraft
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