The Temple of Witchcraft offers:
Spirit, Community, Education
in Salem, NH and online.

Co-founded by Christopher Penczak, Steve Kenson, and Adam Sartwell, the Temple of Witchcraft started in 1998 as a system of magickal training and personal development, and eventually developed into a formal tradition of Witchcraft.

Now, as an outgrowth of the work of students, initiates, and graduates of the programs, the Temple of Witchcraft has evolved into an organization based on traditions of modern magick, Witchcraft, and neopaganism.

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– Latest News & Articles –

by Karin Ugander It´s finally here, the second of the three Saturn – Uranus squares of 2021. We also have within the upcoming two weeks, the Summer Solstice and a full Moon. A big load of energy coming our way. So let´s take it from the beginning and see if we can find some way to navigate through these somewhat wild times. When Saturn and Uranus meet each other tension is unavoidable. It´s like having two male Read More...

Rejection of the Underworld

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Can someone or something be so vile that the very Earth rejects it? Can someone be so corrupt that the spirit world will not accept them? The idea that this can be so is found throughout folklore. Pure water rejects the dunked Witch. Holy ground repels the monster. This paradigm presented itself again recently, as it tends to do when someone whose actions are poisonous and treacherous dies, but I’m Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Solar Eclipse and The Power of Choice

by Karin Ugander The sun has moved into the sign of Gemini.  If you have a friend born in the sign of Gemini, you most certainly have enjoyed many good laughs together. Geminis are known for their sense of humour and their sharp minds. They know how to have a good time and are usually up for some adventure. One of the challenges for Gemini is that sometimes the happy face that they show to the world Read More...


Why Science?

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle When I began in the Craft, the connection between magick and science was both groundbreaking and completely natural for the time and place, an idea championed for me by Laurie Cabot and her Witchcraft as a Science classes. Later I studied the Indian guru Yogananda, who described kriya yoga to the Western world as a form of high technology. The idea of magickal techniques and structures being a form of Read More...

Temple Astrolog: A Mysterious Trail

by Karin Ugander There are times in our lives when the path or road ahead of us is illuminated and everything makes perfect sense. We just put one foot ahead of the other and carry on. Then there are times when the road is a bit overgrown and not used as much. We might even begin to ask ourselves if it is even a road or path that you can use? The Sun (me, self) is meeting Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Progress isn’t always easy

by Karin Ugander We are in a period when there is a lot of growth and progress going on, both on a personal and collective plane. But progress isn't always easy or pleasant. Sometimes it means breaking a rather comfortable mould to be able to step out of it and into something new. When we step into a new territory there is always a higher risk and the danger of reading the map wrong. So let's take Read More...

Know Your Vibes

by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Paradox is at the heart of the mysteries, and I both love and hate the presence of social media in occulture. I love that it has shared teachings, lore, ideas, and people who I might not otherwise come across in my life. I’ve seen some incredibly talented practitioners and insightful teachers and healers. I love there is a tool for them to have greater reach and success. I hate that Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Earthquakes of the Heart

by Karin Ugander Spring is on its way and the Sun is about to enter the earth sign of Taurus. Waves of hope, new beginnings, and change are coming towards us, and yet there can be a current of melancholy and sadness. Old relationships and wrongdoings can pop up in unexpected situations and you may find yourself thinking and talking about things you thought you were over and done. So what is going on? Let's take a Read More...

The Subtle Process, Part 2

Facing Rejection by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle As magickal training (both in-person and online) is a subtle process, when it doesn’t go as we envision or plan it, it can catalyze powerful, usually difficult emotions. We can use these periods to deepen our practice and truly reflect. Resistance and adversity, opposition, is part of the crooked path. It is not the easy and broad path, but a narrow one, with thorns as well as flowers Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Sex, Magick and Gardening

written by Karin Ugander The sun is now in the sign of Aries, the first of the fire signs. The sun is close to both the asteroid Ceres (goddess of earth, nourishment) and Venus (love relationships, magick). Together they create a wonderful cocktail of passion, sex, drive and enthusiasm. They also make a good aspect to Mars in Gemini adding even more passion. This energy can be used to give sparkles to anything from your intimate relationship Read More...

Temple of Witchcraft
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