After my father died my mom and I had a rare conversation about religion that has stuck with me. She said that she wished she had the faith others had because she thought, in troubled times, you could take great solace in your spiritual connection. My thoughts turned to this conversation as I spoke with friends and my students this week. We were all reeling from the impact of grief, the after-effects of the pandemic, and some Read More...
The Temple's Capricorn Ministry has added a Request for Rite of Passage form to our website, whereby members of the community can contact them seeking particular rites of passage (see our Services page for details). Capricorn Ministry can then make referrals to available Temple ministers. While we cannot fulfill all rites of passage requests—as there may not be an available Temple minister for the place, time, or ritual requested—we will do our best to do so. Those with questions Read More...
by Karin Ugander Right now we are in a period when Lillith Black Moon is working very hard together with us. Not against us, even if it at times can feel like she is doing exactly that. You may feel like things are falling into chaos not just in one area but many. It can be difficult to feel that you are moving forward and making progress. Working with Lillith Black Moon is a bit like working Read More...
With Special Guest Teachers: Dominique Susani and Karen Crowley-Susani The Temple of Witchcraft will be hosting a weekend intensive with Dominique Susani and Karen Crowley-Susani, the founders of Energetic Geometry, co-authors of Secrets of Sacred Geometry: Solar Geometry for Health and Life and teachers of the master-builder traditions that are the foundation of sacred temple construction around the world. As we look towards the development of the land we steward here in Salem, NH, we look to Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle We have many souls. Our consciousness is a matrix of many selves, some personal and some collective. To be, one level of our awareness has to pass through the collective of our ancestry. Another has to pass through the spirit of the land, and in the larger sense of place, the nation. At one time, in some places, the ancestral and national souls were more closely linked, but today they Read More...
The Temple will be offering an online Ritual of Remembrance for David Erwin on Sunday, July 25th from 2 to 5 pm Eastern Time. Elsa Elliott, Lead Minister of Scorpio, will lead a service including a ritual for honoring the dead and providing mediation to David as he journeys to his next phase. Members are encouraged to have a candle and simple altar set up in their homes, if they wish. Please join us to honor this Read More...
by Karin Ugander A lot of things are happening in the Relationship Arena right now. That includes our romantic relationship, friendships and our relationship to our soul as well. As we are closing in on an energetic tipping point the air is filled with both anticipation and perhaps some worry. So let´s take a closer look at the stars and see what they can tell us. Venus and Mars are joined tightly together in the sign of Read More...
by Karin Ugander Right now we have a trine (good aspect) between Pluto (death, transformation, deep healing) in Capricorn (time) and Lillith black Moon in Taurus (body, self-worth, self-respect). Together they create a healing so deep that we hardly know that it is occurring. For most people it will be felt like something is just over, but they cannot put their finger on what exactly it is. They just find themselves at a different place in life Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Something came up in my feed recently on abandoning the myths of Atlantis and Lemuria, an idea that returns every so often in the magickal world. Critiques include the lack of archeological evidence, plus hatred of anything aligned with the New Age and its flawed Victorian worldview. The occultism of Victorian England is both a rich and fertile bed where so much of our teachings arose, and a crossroads of Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle It’s no secret I love the lore of Hexennacht or Walpurgisnacht, the May Day celebration that is more like Samhain than Beltane where Witches gather (in vision?) to the top of the mountain and even journey within it to meet Dame Venus as Faery Queen of the Sabbath! While the May Pole is fun and most of us enjoy a little loving, my heart is the mountain. The mountain speaks Read More...