by Claire du Nord So, you are drawn to the Craft of the Wise, but even though in theory you have the right to study and practice Witchcraft, in practice your Practice presents certain challenges and you are therefore not completely free to do so, for whatever reason. If this is the case for you, you may just be a Broom Closet Witch, like me. Claire du Nord here, a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft Read More...
by Karin Ugander Right now several planets and asteroids team up with each other. That can be fun. Much like in school when you have working groups trying to solve things together using each other’s talents and gifts. However, if you don´t understand each other or cannot agree, there may be tension and turbulence in that little group. So let´s take a look and see who is playing with whom and see how we can use that Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle In the last few months I’ve gotten a higher than usual number of messages from people interested in starting a Pagan, Witchcraft, or spirituality group, and wanting to know if I had any advice. How long do you have? Perhaps it’s the hope that the pandemic will end and we can resume social and spiritual gatherings that has people planning ahead and seeking deeper connection and the commitment and camaraderie Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle The practice of magick—or of any spirituality really—is often described as a path. We walk the path. There are many paths up a mountain. Witches walk the crooked path. There is a well-worn path and a hidden path. There is a road less traveled. These are all ways of describing movement, often but not always progress, and change. How things look at one point on a path can be radically Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Not too long ago we received a question, or possible concern, about the frequency in the Temple of Witchcraft’s offerings of the name “Lucifer” and asked if this was always a part of the Temple’s teachings or a new direction towards which we were all heading. In a class on one of the beloved dead taught by a High Priestess and teacher in our school, Karen Ainsworth, the fallen star Read More...
by Karin Ugander Welcome to 2022 and the Astrologyblog! We begin by looking at the north node moving into the sign of Taurus. The change of signs for the north node is always of importance, but this is extra important for all working with people, transformation, healing and of course magick! So let´s take a closer look and see what we may expect in the future. The lunar nodes change sign about every 18 months. In astrology Read More...
While the Witches’ new year is Samhain, I’ve always felt the time between Samhain and Yule is a time between, a time before the new solar year for resting, reflecting, dreaming, and planning before the solar and secular New Year. Now we enter into the new and we want to share with you some plans for the year. Our plans to celebrate Yule in-person here in New Hampshire were cancelled by bad weather and looming concerns about Read More...
The Temple's Sagittarius Ministry is pleased to announce the opening of three new in-person Mystery School classes in Porter, Texas (near Houston): Witchcraft I, Witchcraft III, and Witchcraft V, taught by Temple High Priestess Airmid Plantwalker. See the individual class pages for details, dates, class fee, and links to the online application forms. Please note these are in-person classes, open only to students able to attend the classes in the Houston, Texas, area. Applications for the next year Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle To Dare! One point in the Witch’s Pyramid. One must be daring to be a Witch, to even claim the identity of Witch, at least on some level. How could I not? It is what I am. Many people are things they cannot verbalize or accept, so this daring is an act of magick. In this sense, we can and should embrace our daring, our boldness, if we seek a Read More...
by Christopher Penczak, edited by Tina Whittle Traditions evolve through the living practice of them. They adapt with the people who love them, in groups or alone, and those who fail to change will also fail to meet the needs of their people and will either calcify into dogma or wither and fade. Some traditions are recorded and revived by others at a later date, but many just disappear when the group or practitioner no longer holds Read More...