The Temple of Witchcraft offers:
Spirit, Community, Education
in Salem, NH and online.

Co-founded by Christopher Penczak, Steve Kenson, and Adam Sartwell, the Temple of Witchcraft started in 1998 as a system of magickal training and personal development, and eventually developed into a formal tradition of Witchcraft.

Now, as an outgrowth of the work of students, initiates, and graduates of the programs, the Temple of Witchcraft has evolved into an organization based on traditions of modern magick, Witchcraft, and neopaganism.

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– Latest News & Articles –

Voices of the Temple: Dan Lupacchino – Part 1

Adam talks with High Priest Dan Lupacchino, one of the newest members of the Temple board of directors, and a leader of public events and rituals in the Connecticut area Read More...

Yes Witches, Best Witches

by Christopher Penczak “Yes Witches!!!” Or perhaps “YASSSS Witches!!!” was my favorite response to our Temple of Witchcraft group marching in the Boston Pride parade! It was amazing to see people light up in our presence, and at the very end of the parade route was someone with the T shirt “Be Gay! Do Witchcraft!” which summed up our experience there so well. At various points, I think one group of spectators said “Best Witches” like “Best Read More...

Erica Baron

Erica Baron, HPS

Erica Baron is Gemini Deputy Minister for Queer Spirit. A graduate of the Temple Mystery School, she is also ordained in the Unitarian Universalist Association, where she served for 12 years as minister to congregations. She has presented classes and rituals at Templefest and Templehearth and helps to facilitate deeper studies of Queer Spirit within the Temple. Erica lives in Massachusetts with her wife and their son. She can be reached at [email protected] Read More...

Occultism and the Timeless Tradition

by Christopher Penczak, Edited by Tina Whittle I am an occultist. I practice an occult form of Witchcraft. Once upon a time that word was scary to much of the world and perhaps it still is. My sense of alleviation could be an illusion created by the various social media bubbles we create, as I see the term “Occult Twitter” frequently bandied about, though I see less of an Occult Twitter and more of an Overt Twitter Read More...

Magick in the Mundane: Elderflower

by Erica Sittler On my latest road trip across Mississippi, a gorgeous elder tree in full bloom called out to me. It was off a little side road, near an abandoned shed. As I was headed to an evening meeting, I thanked the tree for showing itself to me (I have been on the hunt to gather elder flowers which are in full bloom now) and made a note of where it was so that so could Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Truce, Peace, or Just Biding Time?

It's now the beginning of June and I am happy to tell you that we have some good energies from the Stars that we can work with for manifestation, peace, and magick. Around the 21st of June when we celebrate Litha, or Midsummer as we say in Sweden, things are heating up. So, grab a cup of coffee or tea with me and let´s take it from the beginning. Right now we have Neptune in Pisces (intuition Read More...

Voices of the Temple: Matooka Moonbear

In this episode, Adam talks with High Priestess Matooka Moonbear-Macgowan, lead minister of Pisces, and former lead minster of Cancer, about her return to the role of lead minister and responsibility for the Temple's public rituals Read More...

Temple Astrolog: Personal Power and Past Lives

In May, we have lived through an intensive full moon with a Lunar eclipse (5th of May) and before that a Sun eclipse (20th of April). Despite that, many are feeling a rush of new energy moving forward onto a new chapter in life. Part of that energy is that Pluto moved into the sign of Aquarius earlier in the year. On May 1st Pluto started its retrograde phase. You may feel that as a welcoming energy Read More...

All Magick is Not the Same

by Christopher Penczak, Edited by Tina Whittle I was working with a client recently, in a rare private session class that I’ll occasionally do. Questions jumped from Hoodoo and Voodou to Solomonic Magic, protection, mediumship, oracle decks, spirits, and angels. She asked about the Witchcraft I teach, what I learned from my own teachers, and whether I was Wiccan or not (I said that all depends on how you define Wicca.) We even got into a bit Read More...

For Broom Closet Witches: Beltane - The Magick of Musick

For Broom Closet Witches: Beltane – The Magick of Musick

by Claire du Nord In the previous article, I mentioned that I love Sound Magick. I would even go so far as to say that music is “in my very blood”. Welcome back, Broom Closet Witches, to the ninth article in our “For Broom Closet Witches” column. Claire du Nord here, a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition. As the Wheel of the Year turns to Beltane/Beltaine, and we celebrate the Divine Union, I ponder Read More...

Temple of Witchcraft
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