October Protection Ritual

Oct15altar1This past week, the Temple’s Aries ministry conducted its regular protection ritual for the Temple and its members. This time, however, Aries lead minister Michael Cantone recorded the ritual and is providing you with access to the recording and associated notes so you can perform the ritual for yourself.

Use the following links to download…

The audio explains more about Aries ministry spirit Tonga. This sigil is to be used once and for this ritual only. Place the offering in front of the sigil coupled with a burning candle. Once the candle has burned out, burn the sigil in your cauldron and the offering will be released to Tonga.

For the altar items used are as follows:

  1. Cauldron in center of altar
  2. Second cauldron placed in the North to hold the sea salt for the elemental part of the ritual
  3. Peyton
  4. Incense and incense burner (frankincense and myrrh is what we used) placed in the South for the elemental part of the ritual
  5. Athame
  6. Goddess and God candles
  7. Chalice
  8. Wand
  9. Third candle to be placed in the East for the elemental part of the ritual
  10. A bell placed anywhere on the altar but used for spirit for the elemental part of the ritual
  11. Water and Yarrow (not seen in the picture to be placed in the West for the elemental part of the ritual)
  12. Tonga offering (also not seen in the picture)

Perform the ritual during the banishing phase of the moon (ideally before the moon begins waxing again this month).

Questions? Email [email protected].

Temple of Witchcraft
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