Hecate’s Nights

monthly online working-group with High Priest Adam Sartwell
$270 tuitionHecate’s Nights online application form

Hecate is the primal goddess of Witches and Witchcraft and honored with a special place in the Temple. On nine nights in 2025, join High Priest Adam Sartwell to learn more about Hecate, deepen your connection through devotions, and do ritual and meditation to explore your work with Her. We will delve into Her symbols, nine-fold aspects, performing magick with Her, and more, culminating in a ritual celebration of Hecate’s Night in November 2025. Gatherings will be held online on Zoom video conferencing. Recordings will be provided to ritualists unable to attend in-person, but in-person participation is strongly encouraged to get the most out of the experience.

  • Application: Please fill-out the Hecate’s Nights online application form to apply. Those seeking to follow this path should have a deep interest in or devotion to Hecate, and the dedication to show up to do Her work.
  • Tuition: Accepted ritualists must pay a tuition of $270 before March 10, 2025. Please use the Hecate’s Nights payment product in the Temple Class Store.
  • Schedule: Planned dates of the nights in 2025 are as follows: 3/11, 4/15, 5/13, 6/10, 7/15, 8/12, 9/16, 10/21, and Hecate’s Night on 11/16, all from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Eastern Time.
  • Questions? Email Adam at virgo@templeofwitchcraft.org.

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