Healing Case Coordinator David Erwin
The Healing Case Study Group, part of the Temple of Witchcraft’s Virgo Ministry, started in 2011 to give Temple initiates a forum to develop their skills with psychic diagnosis and to practice sending the healing techniques learned in the Mystery School and Seminary.
We follow the Lunar cycle, starting a new case each New Moon. Members perform a psychic diagnosis and send healing to the subject. At the Full Moon the information shared by the subject is shared so members can compare their results, as well as encourage each other by posting in a Google Group. We then schedule a Group Healing for the subject.
Membership to the Healing Cases Study Group is open to any Temple initiate (graduate of Witchcraft 1) and is renewable on an annual basis. Aside from interest in developing this skill, there are two main requirements: strict confidentiality and active participation.
If this ministry interests or intrigues you, please email coordinator David Erwin at [email protected]. Don’t worry if you’re “not very good at this”…that is why this group was started, to practice and deepen your magickal healing practices!