Through the Eyes of a Broom Closet Witch: A Yuletide Journey

Blessed Yule, and Welcome Back! Claire de Lune here, a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition, with the 22nd article in our “For Broom Closet Witches” series.
This article is quite different from the previous ones in that it has taken the shape of a poem – though not your ordinary one, as it may also function as the outline of a journey, which will become apparent as the lines unfold. I hope you enjoy it!
A Yuletide Journey
Colors, Lights
Shining Night
Hail the “Season to be Jolly”!
Mind’s Eye
Conjures Bright –
Wise Ones Know
A Second Sight.
Inward Go,
Through the Snow.
Down the Lane,
Midnight Train.
Climb Aboard,
Away we Go!
Where it Stops,
Nobody Knows!
Moon Ashine,
Smell the Pine.
Snowflakes Swirl,
All’s Awhirl!
Fjords and Mountains,
Wells and Fountains.
Nisse and Gnome
Guard the Home.
Deck the Walls!
Yuletide Calls!
Poinsettia, Holly.
Oh, By Golly!
Cakes and Ale –
A Viking Tale!
Comrades All,
Fill the Hall.
Fire Blazes,
Smokey Hazes
Raise a Toast!
Dare a Boast!
Voices Merry –
But be Wary!
And Do Not,
Do Not,
Do Not Tarry!
No Witch’s Game!
No Witch’s Folly!
Farewell the Hall!
Farewell the Holly!
Ride the Train,
Ride the Train,
Ride the Train,
Back Again!
Come Back, Come Back,
Do Not Falter!
Hands on the Ground,
Or on the Altar.
A Bit of Cake,
A Bit of Chocolate,
A Bit of Ale,
Or Milk or Water.
A Viking Tale,
Of Days of Yore,
And Yuletides Past
Are Now Once More.
Hail, and Farewell.
Blessed Be.
I hope this article has been helpful, and until next time –
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again!
Yule Blessings,
Claire de Lune