by Naphana
There’s a pull
A Call
I hear it all around me.
Come to that place
To that place where you feel safe
I can feel the elements emanate all around
North, east, south and west
The circle never really gone
It’s always there
Call upon us
When you need us
Call to that which you know you need
Walk outside to the place you feel free
No judgment comes your way
Walk the path you’re familiar with
Listen to nature as it doesn’t judge
Walk the path skyclad
The very way you were born
Spread your wings
Let the world see
The true you, the you locked away
Show them the beauty that’s inside
You love so very much
No matter what you have been dealt.
You’ve been there crawling, banged your knee, scraped your elbow
You have almost let go
What keeps you going?
Anger, judgment, hate, and lies
You have seen it all
What makes you forgive time and time again?
Forgiveness always there.
Come child please tell me
You walk the path, no matter where it has led
Kept going, playing, jumping, swimming, dancing, moving, laughing, crying.
Come my skyclad friend
What keeps you going?
What keeps you forgiving?
What keeps you casting?
What keeps you giving?
What keeps you dancing?
What keeps you laughing?
Your pen’s doing it again
Dancing and dancing across another page
Beneath your hands
Can you feel me there beside you?
Helping you, feeding you, pulling from you word after word?
Inspiring you to keep going
Eyes getting droopy almost time for bed
After another word after you get this out
Your passion and I know it
You have always been the one to try and inspire those around you
Giving and giving
Never ever expecting anything in return
Keep going and going
It’s what makes you smile day to day
It’s what pulled you through the darkness it’s what lit your way
Keep marching to the light of your soul
Dance and dance
And dance some more.
Dance to the steady beat, the rhythm of your heart
Walk and spin.
Dance and sing.
That which comes from within.
Shout to the world why you do what you do.
And shout to the world you do it for one beautiful reason.
You do it because of the reason you are here.
You do it because of that which pours forth from your soul.
You, always willing to give to those who are willing to except it
You do it because of one word you do it because you
Naphana is currently a Witchcraft I and Wheel of the Year student. She loves all kinds of art, but is especially drawn to poetry, short stories, and photography. She has been practicing witchcraft for a little over two years.