Online Class Format and Schedule


The Online Course is taught via email, with lessons provided by email, including a MP3 Audio Link to the class lectures, a PDF of the lesson’s Book of Shadows section, a PDF of additional Wisdom Lectures and supplemental material, as well as the Lesson’s Syllabus and Assignments, including tips, trick and optional assignments.

Students are expected to listen to the MP3 recording, read the PDFs, read the appropriate chapters in the textbook, do the required assignments, and write their own experiences of the required exercises and rituals, including both what they technically did, and what they experienced as part of the process. Students will receive feedback from a student mentor, Teaching Assistant (TA), and the Dean of Students or Assistant Dean of Students.

Questions can be asked in homework assignments, in the Google Classroom for group discussion and sharing, or emailed directly to your teacher, Christopher Penczak.

MP3 Audios are from a “live” class, not a studio recording, thus capturing the specific feel and rhythm of such classes, to give a distant student a window into the live experience while still being online. Some material may have to be adapted for home use.

Witchcraft I 2022-2023 students will have the option of attending a live Zoom video class, held monthly at 7 – 10 PM Eastern time, but are not required to attend. All registered students will get a recording of the class to download.


Classes are scheduled in an alternating series of September-start and March-start dates. Witchcraft V is only taught in the March-start years.

  • Witchcraft I Online: Sept 2022-Sept 2023, March 2024 – March 2025
  • Witchcraft II Online: Sept 2022-Sept 2023, March 2024 – March 2025
  • Witchcraft III Online: Sept 2022-Sept 2023, March 2024 – March 2025
  • Witchcraft IV Online: Sept 2022-Sept 2023, March 2024 – March 2025
  • Witchcraft V Online: March 2024 – May 2025
Temple of Witchcraft