Arti Aetherwyn is a Deputy for the Aquarius Ministry and is in her fifth year of study with the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School, set to initiate in May 2025. Arti has over 20 years of experience in Emergency Management and is advancing her knowledge and training in mental health and spiritual care.
In addition to her Temple work, Arti is a tarot reader, psychic, and tarot teacher who regularly volunteers to ensure the safety, health, and happiness of people and animals alike. A veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and a bellydancer for over 30 years, she serves on the board of her local Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association as the Programs and Plans Committee lead. Arti is also a volunteer with her local Emergency Management Agency and animal shelter, and owns an LLC providing disaster response support services, including disaster case management. Arti lives in Northern Virginia with her beloved fur and scale babies.