Temple Astrolog: Get ready to fly again

Hurray! The asteroid Ceres (nurturing) has just moved away from the sign of Scorpio (drama) and entered into the sign of Sagittarius (vision, higher perspective). For those of you who have felt weighed down lately by all sorts of drama, this can feel like winning the lottery! Finally there is air under our wings and you can feel like you can have discussions with people again without having it end badly. In politics and the media, it will be easier to work together despite differences.

Ceres in Sagittarius finds nurturing by learning new things and exploring new territory. So look for interesting new classes to take, they may change your life more than you know. This is also an excellent time for traveling, especially abroad, and learning about different cultures and traditions. This is amplified by Mercury which left Capricorn and entered Aquarius on January 25th. There Mercury is happy to make new friends and work beyond borders and limitations.

Ceres will be in Sagittarius until the middle of November, so there is a lot of time to make travel plans and sign up for interesting classes.

Don’t reveal things to soon

The now happy Mercury in Aquarius cannot always be trusted to keep secrets. If there is a “win” for them by revealing something, they may do so and they may not even see anything wrong with it. Right now the Sun in Aquarius is passing next to and over Mercury so this impulse is even stronger. So, if you are working on a project that is sensitive, or if you have a “secret” you don’t want to reveal too soon, keep that secret close to you. Even people who usually don’t gossip or tell secrets may not be able to help themselves at this time.

If you happen to be a investigative journalist or a detective of some sort, this can be very fortunate for you as people have a strong tendency to talk to much right now!

Final call

If you haven’t had the time to work with Venus (beauty) together with Jupiter (expansion and luck) yet, now is your last chance to do so before they end their dance this time together in Sagittarius. So all you songwriters, artists, and writers make space for being creative these final days. Perhaps you can catch a lucky star! Venus and Jupiter split up and go their separate ways February 1st.


Karin Ugander is a spiritual channeler living in the south of Sweden. In Scandinavia she is known for the AstroNumerology and Psychic readings she’s been doing for over 20 years. Together with her husband Niklas, she runs KaniSkolan, a school of astrology, numerology, tarot, StarCode Healing, and natural medicine. They are also the founders of Alven Inner Ring tradition, a Scandinavian mystery school with roots in shamanism and magick. Karin loves to create magickal oils, flower essences and sigils she combines in her “Karin Victoria” sigil candles and flower sprays. In her spare time she likes to travel, walk in the forest with her dog, and spend time by the ocean. Karin is a high priestess and graduate of the Temple of Witchcraft’s seminary program.

You can find Karin Ugander at Instagram @flowerpowerwitch and @karinuganderofficial

Temple of Witchcraft