
Voices of the Temple: Elsa Elliott

In this episode of our Voices of the Temple podcast, host Adam Sartwell talks with Scorpio lead minister Elsa Elliott about her ministry’s work with death and dying and sacred sexuality, including the practice of hosting “death cafés” to discuss to often taboo subject of death openly.

Voices of the Temple: Margot Adler at PantheaCon 2014

In this episode of Voices of the Temple, host Adam Sartwell shares with you his experience at the last of Margot Adler’s famous chanting workshops and sing-alongs at the convention in 2014, as the Temple founders and ministers prepare for a return trip for this year’s PantheaCon in San Jose, CA, Feb. 12–15, 2016.

Some of the voices on the workshop recording are a bit muted, but the signing, especially the group singing, of the chants comes through well.

Voices of the Temple: Gemini 2015

Gemini 2015: Templefest!

In their Gemini 2015 episode of “Voices of the Temple,” host Adam Sartwell talks with our Templefest coordinators about the upcoming summer festival, which promises to be bigger and better than ever.

Voices of the Temple: Taurus 2015

Episode 25: Taurus 2015

In our newest podcast episode, host and Temple founder Adam Sartwell talks with Taurus lead minister Kriya Kinai about her ministry’s involvement in stewardship of the land and environmentalism as well as caring for animals.

Voices of the Temple: Aries 2015

Episode 24: Aries 2015

Voices of the Temple returns! In our newest podcast episode, host and Temple founder Adam Sartwell talks with our Aries Ministry, including lead minister Michael Cantone and deputy minister Wrentek MacGowan about the way of the warrior and Aries’ involvement in the safety and security of our Templefest event.

Voices of the Temple: Rachael Mueller

Episode 23: Rachael Mueller

Voices of the Temple is back! Host Adam Sartwell interviews Temple high priestess Rachael Mueller about her Mystery School experiences and recent graduation, the St. Louis community, and upcoming plans for Pagan Picnic. You can contact Adam at [email protected].


Voices of the Temple: New Year 2013

Episode 22: New Year Podcast

Voices of the Temple is back for 2013 with host Adam Sartwell and Gemini lead minister Steve Kenson sitting down to talk about all the news and developments with the Temple of Witchcraft, including the Temple’s new home (Grandview, in Salem, NH), exciting ministry plans, upcoming conventions in California and Michigan, and teleconferenced workshops.


Voices of the Temple: The Red Tent

Episode 21: The Red Tent

In this episode of Voices of the Temple, host Adam Sartwell talks with Matooka—high priestess, Cancer Ministry leader, and head of our women’s ministry—about the Red Tent movement: what it is and how we can bring it to the community.


Voices of the Temple: PantheaCon 2012

Episode 20: PantheaCon 2012

Voices of the Temple host Adam Sartwell takes us to PantheaCon in sunny San Jose, CA, to visit some of the people and workshops of this premier pagan event the Temple Founders attended back in February. It includes chants from the Turning Earth Singers and Margot Adler’s chanting workshop.


Voices of the Temple: Libra & Sagittarius

Episode 19: Libra & Sagittarius

In this installment of Voices of the Temple, host Adam Sartwell takes us to the Temple’s ministerial gathering to hear from the various lead ministers about the achievements, plans, and goals of their ministries. Hear what has been happening and what is planned in the year to come!

Temple of Witchcraft